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Bookworm Hienrichs

Archivist note: This article is from an older recovered archive and might be obsolete or in need of updating.

Most recent revision is shown below, by Bookworm.


Bookworm Hienrichs is a straight-laced Victorian woman, slightly befuddled to find herself in free-wheeling New Babbage. She builds not, neither does she engineer, yet she’s managed to carve out a small niche for herself in this city of accomplished builders and engineers. She is an ordinary human, with no especial talents or powers, yet finds herself comfortable around fae folk or people from unknown lands.

She was born Sarah Hienrichs 30 years ago, and lived quietly with her parents and older brother in America. Her parents encouraged her love of reading and learning, even when what she read and learned was not considered entirely womanly. Peers labeled her with the epithet of ‘Bookworm,’ which name she took on as a badge of pride. She also developed an early interest in photography.

As Miss Hienrichs grew older, she found herself suffering from a prolonged case of wanderlust. For several years, she wandered throughout America with her camera. Her travels finally took her farther afield, into stranger lands, where she met Miss Ceejay Writer. The two kept in touch for a few months, and when Miss Writer mentioned New Babbage, Miss Hienrichs followed her there, in time for a monster-hand barbecue and a séance.

In New Babbage, she found a city with amazing architecture, friendly, if quirky, citizens, and, soon, an active social scene. She began spending more and more time in the city, and finally set down roots by renting an apartment at the Mechanix Arms and using her camera to make herself gainfully employed.

Miss Hienrichs is currently the designated event photographer for the monthly Aether Salons and Piermont Landing balls. She is available for other events as well, though she has held off on advertising her services more, at least until she’s had the chance to upgrade, and learn to really utilize, her photographic equipment.

For her first several months in New Babbage, she regarded herself, with equal parts pride and consternation, as someone to whom exciting events simply didn’t happen. Whether it was a mummy shambling through the streets, or the return of a dangerous nemesis to the city, she was always, at best, on the fringes. However, starting during her first summer in the city, events have conspired to bring her into more active participation in several major events.

==Significant Events==

Multipart story: Obolenskidonia Saga

[ A disturbing encounter with the followers of Dagon]

[ Bookworm joins the New Babbage Militia]

[ Preparations to leave for training]

[ Visiting Mr. Zachary Somerset]

[ Working vacation]

Multipart story: Bookworm and the Zombie Plague

[ Confrontation with Creaky Gloom]

Multipart story: The Murder of William DeFaw

Multipart story: Giving Up Possession

[ Fun, Friendship, Intimacy, and Loneliness]

[ March 18th–So much for diligence]

Captain's Personal Log--A Delicate Dilemma (Mr. Somerset discusses March 18th events with Penelope Strathearn)

[ March 19 — Remembrance]

Multipart story: What's an Oiling Festival Without Oil?

Multipart story: Save the Books

Multipart story: The Slenderman

[ July 26 – Loss and Gain]

Multipart story: Ruby Dreams

[ August 25 — Time to be Going]

[ Sept. 8 — Once Again, a New Direction]

[ Oct. 5 — Calm Before the Storm?]

[ October 8 — Waiting to Die]

[ October 9 — Preparations]

[ Oct. 10 — Brainstorming in Babbage]

[ Oct. 13 — Potential Troubles]

[ Oct. 17 — The Nerve of That Man!]

[ Oct. 17 — Miss Bookworm’s a What?]

[ Oct. 30 — Now Come On!]

[ Nov. 4 — Consulting the Best]

[ November 26 — Change of Seasons]

[ November 26 — Change of Locales]

[ Nov. 30 — Movin’ On Up]

[ Jan. 12 — No Time to Catch My Breath]

[ Wulfenbach Consulate Games – Pictures and Results]

Multipart story: Tales of the Kunoichi

[ May 22 – A Weekend to Remember]

[ A Little Bit of History Repeating…]

[ June 25 – I’m a What?]

[ July 8 – Some Heroine]

[ July 25 – Good Riddance]

Multipart story: Summer Troubles

[ Sept. 19 – Not Much to Say]

Multipart story: Bookworm's Dark Aether

[ January 7 – New Year, Old Problems]

[Feb. 3 – Fun and Games]

[ March 9 – Idle Hands Are…]

[ June 8 – Still Alive]

Multipart story: Summer Travels and Travail

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