Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive.
==Initial Post==
((Posted by Aizek Tchailenov on May 16, 2010))
The time was clear as the final preparatives for the Maiden Journey were beign made. The Captain, Mr. Aizek Tchailenov was doing the final check list when the first guest for the trip arrived, Lady Yardley, who would first commision an Arkhon Class Ship, if this trip was successfull.
As we were waiting for the other guests, some of which could not come, some peasants, came by, Miss Palmira was one of them. The other gentlemen I fail to recall his name.
Unfortunatelly due to a slight problem on the tranmission line, we had to delay the departure for some time, fortunatelly it was a minor issue and was fixed promptly.
Later on Lord Moses Mureaux joined us just before our departure. At 18:00hs we finally left the docks at Vernian sea towards Dr. O’s observatory, heading southeast, we entered the Deep, where we would proceed with the several tests that were scheduled for the trip.
Besides of some slight issues, that were quickly fixed, the journey was a major success. To celebrate it, I had coined previously some commemorative coins of the journey which I distributed to those present on the trip.
*Comment by Cral Denimore on May 16, 2010 at 6:42pm
What a fabulous momento! I hope the maiden voyage went well.
*Comment by Wiggy Undertone on May 16, 2010 at 8:02pm
Excellent! I wish I had witnessed the ship’s first voyage. Did anyone break a bottle of champagne on the bow?
*Comment by Aizek Tchailenov on May 17, 2010 at 12:54pm
Unfortunatelly not, but it will be done on the comissioning of the ships of her class.. this was more of a “test drive” of the vessel.. the champagne we saved for toasting later on…