Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive.
==Initial Post==
Official Correspondence To The Clockwinder…Subject: Terms of Temporary Treaty Between New Babbage and Steelhead
((Posted by Mr. W—— on June 14, 2010))
Your Excellency, The Clockwinder of New Babbage,
I hope that you have been receiving my reports and are full aware of the progress we have made in our negotiations. For the most part, protests have all but fallen off here entirely and (as you should be aware) direct transportation between New Babbage and Steelhead has resumed. Initial overtures concerning the purchase of Captain Ashiko Kuroe’s freedom for the cost of care and damages to the New Babbage victims was dismissed and we moved on to the other objectives. In so far as those objectives, I have managed to secure a peace, albeit fragile, with Steelhead. Allow me to outline the salient points for the Temporary Terms of Treaty between New Babbage and Steelhead:
1) There will be a peace between the city-states of Steelhead and New Babbage, lasting indefinitely or until such actions might occur to breach said peace. Acts which would suspend or end the peace include, unsanctioned military or police actions into the sovereign territory of the other city-state. (It should be noted, Sir, that his Honor Mr. Eclipse made it clear that such acts are to NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. I gave my word that no further intrusions would occur on our part; Mr. Eclipse was pleased with this.)
2) That a separate hearing, which will present findings concerning the New Babbage/Armada infiltration of Steelhead. (I made it clear to Mr. Eclipse that we could not be held solely accountable for Armada’s actions in the affair, but should the hearing find as such, we will be held accountable for our part. He agreed to these terms.)
3) Whatever the findings might reveal concerning the intrusion and subsequent capture of Captain Kuroe, his capture will be upheld. He remains our prisoner. (Mr. Eclipse has heard the worst manner of stories about the treatment our prisoners receive in captivity and has asked for a concession so as to appease his angered populace and secure our ability to keep Captain Kuroe in our custody…which leads to…)
4) Dr. Ryne Beck, of Steelhead (the protestor who has made himself a thorn in our sides), will be permitted to see to the treatment, care, and well being of Captain Kuroe during the duration of his captivity in New Babbage.
5) Captain Kuroe will stand trial for his crimes against the citizens of New Babbage; however, a suitable and impartial venue must be sought for the conduct of this trial. (While I suggested we ask the city of Caledon to be our hosts for this, His Honor Mr. Eclipse suggested Steeltopia. The choice is up to you, Sir.)
6) The matter concerning the amputation of Captain Kuroe’s leg by the Honorable Clockwinder, Mr. Tenk, of New Babbage will be forever recognized by the city-state of Steelhead as a private matter between the two persons involved. No restitution nor protection is sought for Captain Kuroe and the matter is hereinafter resolved.
Finally, Sir, it is the wish of Mr. Eclipse that a more formal peace be signed between New Babbage and Steelhead, either in form of Articles or Treaty. Something of this level would require the development of Embassies in one another’s territories. He and his constituency see New Babbage as a vital trade partner and potential ally. I believe that if we were to agree to as much as an attempt at such a thing, Mr. Eclipse would be willing to overlook our last incursion into Steelhead and permit us to strike point #2 from this present agreement. I would advise you to make the effort as any argument we could put forth in such a hearing would not hold any water and be easily defeated (Then anyone might guess at the manner of concessions we would be forced to make!).
So you are aware, Sir, I will be returning this evening on the packet airship, NBS Cairo, and will be ready to meet with you upon arrival or at your convenience.
Humble Servant of New Babbage,
Mr. W——,
New Babbage Judicial Envoy Extraordinary and Diplomatic Minister Plenipotentiary Pro Tempore in Matters Concerning Lapin Terrorism and Hasty Martial Exercises
*Comment by Mr. Tenk on June 14, 2010 at 9:41pm
baleful look
Mr. Baroque, take a memo.
My dear Mr. W——,
I don’t sign treaties.
Keep up the good work,
-Mr. Tenk
and get that over to the courier hostel right away, I want it delivered personally by one of ours.
*Comment by Byron Wexhome on June 15, 2010 at 7:25am
Perplexed look; rereads the message then looks at the courier
"This is all?"
The courier nods silently, fidgetting under the reproachful glare.
"Well just don’t stand there, man! Get into the coach…its a damn good thing I’ve got that sour milk."
Mr. W—— steps clear of the gangway, pays the porter from the NBS Cairo, and gets into the coach.
"Coachman! City Hall…make haste!"
The coach makes its way, with some speed, to City Hall…
*Comment by Mr Underby on June 15, 2010 at 9:12am
*Comment by Bookworm Hienrichs on June 15, 2010 at 10:35am
It’s never as easy as you think, is it, Mr. W——? *wry grin*
*Comment by Ceejay Writer on June 15, 2010 at 11:41am
Ceejay hears the town scuttlebutt about the case and is seemingly happy for the progress, but somehow, also, decidedly grumpy.
*Comment by Sheryl Skytower on June 15, 2010 at 11:49am
looks up from typewriter
sniffs air
Smells like… sour milk. Spilled milk?
goes back to writing
*Comment by Cral Denimore on June 15, 2010 at 12:49pm
My initial objection would be to the use of the undeserved title of captain when referring to Mr. Kuroe. I suggest "The Pirate" be substituted in the final version.
*Comment by Byron Wexhome on June 15, 2010 at 1:02pm
Mr. Denimore – As much as I wish to agree with you, we cannot escape the fact that (while not granted by military appointment) it is his title. The "Lapin Captain" earned his title in the oldest traditions of the sea and service to it. While we might take the man’s liberties…maybe even his life…in exchange for his crimes, we cannot take his title…
Still…I do like the constructive criticism. Perhaps some more feedback might be offered, so as to improve this document enough to meet the approval of ALL Babbagers…? *Chances a glance at City Hall.*
*Comment by Ryne Beck on June 16, 2010 at 10:23am
reads… "peace"…
reads… "hearing"…
reads… "thorn"… *splutters tea over the document* Thorn? A BLOODY THORN! I’ll give them "thorn"!
*Comment by Ryne Beck on June 17, 2010 at 10:48am
Mayor Eclipse has dispatched me to New Babbage on the Clockhaven Queen steamer (extra economy class ticket) and will be arraiving at the William Wilde hospital shortly. Or longer. This is a very slow boat indeed.