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Newspapers of New Babbage

I’m putting this all down so that I will be able to find it again in the future.

New Babbage has had a number of newspapers over the years. Most start strong and then die off shortly after. Putting together a newspaper is hard work.

The New Babbage Cog
The first paper of New Babbage was the New Babbage Cog. Run by Junie Ginsburg and Eggberta Echegaray. Originally distributed as a notecard inworld and ran for a year over 2007. There was an inworld office in the SE corner of the Babbage Square sim, roughly where Bolyai Plaza is today. The notecards were later collected and archived at

The New Babbage Free Press.
Run out of offices in the Gut by Oscar Bellamy Penrose in cahoots with Underby. The office still exists, as does the blog archive

The Canal Street Snitch
Run by Byron Wexhome from offices in the Canal Street Printing Office of the Penny Gaff Press in Babbage Square. Three editions, Texture on prim. Online editions at

The Rumbling Gut
Made one issue. Printed by DreadPirateBob Streeter although officially the editor was anonymous anonimous annonimus mysterious. Bob disappeared shortly after producing the first issue. Was that related to what he wrote. Probably not but it’s fun to speculate.

The Cogwheel
Newest incarnation to arrive. Office in the Gut just across from the old Babbage Free Press offices. No issues printed as yet.

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  1. Fauve Aeon Fauve Aeon April 24, 2023

    Thank you for this, I had been wondering… there was also a business gazette of some sort if I recall correctly, but I think it was more of a directory? I’m not sure if it’s active anymore.

  2. Fauve Aeon Fauve Aeon November 14, 2023

    One or more issues of the Cogwheel came out as well, some of the boxes are still out. I followed up with Mr Hammerer of the Business Gazette as well. He might consider a revamp if a suitable editor presents – so any interested parties with solid editing experience can find him at Warehouse 13 during daytime hours,

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