Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive.
((Posted by Grendel Footman on June 29, 2010))
I had noticed this morning, a slight numb rash on my finger, it didn’t itch, so I am sure it is nothing serious. and had honestly forgotten about it as Miss Aya, an old employee who had quit and left the city after the incident, had returned, stopping in again to visit..
Then as I was building my new fishing boat ( a soon to be 5 gun ironclad, the first non-submersible vessle I’ve made), Mr. Melnik dropped some unfortunate news…Mr. SLenderman was active again….I am not sure if Miss Hermit has had her talk with the spirits and Mr. Somerset yet, but I don’t think it can wait, the Anti-Ectotheric device will have to go up sometime this week…