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Dear Mr Brandenburg

Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive.

==Initial Post==

((Posted by Amadeus Hammerer on June 26, 2010))

(This letter is be handled very very very secret! It will destroy itself after reading, If not, please destroy it yourself!)

I write to you the leader of the secret PSST (Police-like-Secret-Service-Troop)!
The past weeks showed us the great dangers, Babbage has to interact with. The Bunny-Bomber and his catch in Steelhead are only the beginning in my eyes. The reaction of Steelhead in my eyes is a big provacation! They hide criminals and terrorists and try to protect them, telling other lands their own weak sheriff is responsible for catching individuums like these.
The new peace between Babbage and Steelhead may just be the fear of our great miliz, but maybe they have bigger plans?
I’m really worried about the hearing they plan at a neutral place. I think the clockwinder would be in great danger, when he takes part in this!
So I think it would be a good idea to send out some secret agents to find out, what the plans are of steelhead and maybe its “neutral” partners!
We should also make plans for a possible “Save the clockwinder”-Mission. Some acts of sabotage could make sense to destroy the military infrastructure and the morality of these individuals!
And of course these acts would help our fleet to go on in a case of emergency!

Many thanks in advance for your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely
Amadeus Hammerer
(Very secret agent of PSST! PSST!)


*Comment by Roman Brandenburg on June 26, 2010 at 10:23am
I have (but Psst! Psst!)^
1. One great blunderbuss (it can make our town empty in 2-3 shoot!) :)
2. Four types of ironclad.
3. “Silver Ghost” rare car – but it can cary 5 very secret and very armed agents!
4. Hot air balloon for me and other 6 very secret and armed agents.
5. Molotov cocktail bottles :) hehe

You need to dream only: 7 very secret and armed agents on the hot air balloon with great blunderbuss, rifles and molotov’s bottles!! Its wonderfull for guard clockwinder.

1. Mainsteam to the veryverysecretagents of Psst!Psst! is to listen and see. May be other militia can guard better? We are eyes and ears – militia and army are the hands.
2. Doc O! With whom is he? May be its all is his evil deals? May be he whant to be EEN (Evil Empiror of Nebabbagia)? Did you remember his veryverysecret evil map in his old skull clocktower in the sky before fictive disaster?

Your veryverysecretagent mr. R. Brandenburg

*Comment by Amadeus Hammerer on June 26, 2010 at 11:31am
Dear Mr Brandenburg,

of course we are not the iron fist of babbage and a direct confrontation would be much better in the hands of our great and adored miliz.
But some very well and very secret placed bombs at some main points could support the miliz well. By the way I have some dynamite from steeltopia, this would confuse them more.
I don’t fear Doc O! Babbage is his home too. But imagine the clockwinder would be prisoner of another state, maybe this would give Doc O the power to get control over the city!
Do we have civilian informants (Unofficial Collaborators) in Steelhead or the other states?
I think we need more informations!

Amadeus Hammerer
(very secret agent of PSST! PSST!)

*Comment by Gabriell Anatra on June 26, 2010 at 2:02pm
Foreign governments have certainly installed useful puppets before. I doubt that Dr O would qualify though. That strikes me as self-defeating on the part of Steelhead. That said there are others that might support such a thing simply to use the resulting destruction and chaos as a distraction.

The use of foreign materials is a good thought. Any agent of New Babbage operating in a foreign environment would be well advised to use such in order to generate a smokescreen as well as helping in the effort against the more hostile foreign governments.

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