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Posts published in “Roleplay”

A Little Communication never hurts

A madman being subdued was usually met with appreciation or congratulations.  Beryl expected none and went about life as usual. Cyan had failed to see…

I Don’t Remember…

I suppose it was only a matter of time before my choice of apartments caught up with me. Loner Lane gets creepy at night. Well,…

Journal of Milo Worth: Sable

Bad news. When I saw the pretty girl in the bar again last night, I decided to recite my poem. I only got as far…

Journal of Milo Worth: In Situ

I am writing this entry at the desk in my apartment above The Gangplank Public House, where I am now officially a bartender. I have…

Oh no, not another one

She heard the door open and then close, but at the busiest time of day Junie didn’t have time to look and see who it…

Journal of Milo Worth: Apostacy

One of the best things I learned at the Church of the Builder wasn’t math or logic at all. It was keeping a journal. It…

A Little Wine never hurts

Previously    Abney Parkway was busy with trick or treaters visiting the Wax Museum, which Beryl gave a wide berth as she passed.  The decorations were…

A Little Escape never hurts

Previously Next Helping Bookworm and the others had been relatively simple, and Beryl had moved beyond worrying about it. What happened at the asylum stayed…

A Little Renovation never hurts

Previously Next The Blackberry Memorial had undergone several changes in her absence. The money donated by Candance’s family was being put to good use she…