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City of New Babbage

The Neighbors…Epilogue

It was not long after the dropping of the wards that I paid a visit to the graveyard.  The men were gone it turned out…

Google Search

Lately because of how the Ning no longer has the groups you belong to on their profile page I have been searching on Google for…

Skyler Gant’s Statement

Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive. ==Initial Post== ”’Me Statement ta th’ Militia ((Murder Mystery Part II))”’ I’m ‘ere rottin’ away…

Gilhooly Skute’s statement

Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive. ==Initial Post== Me Statement to the Militia Bloke (Murder Mystery II) Posted by Gilhooly Skute…

How shall we name this site?

I know that “The Station” has been suggested for this site.  Perhaps a contest is in order to name our new home?  I would like…


Is anyone else getting a 404 page?   Damn and blast them, they said the grace period was until the 20th!   Can someone get…

New Babbage – September 2009

New Babbage – September 2009 Shortly after Academy of Industry opened…pallisade wall being extended through Academy region