I know that “The Station” has been suggested for this site. Perhaps a contest is in order to name our new home? I would like to propose “The Gearbox”. Any other ideas?
How shall we name this site?
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The reason I suggested “The Station” was more because this is a destination of sorts one that will lead you into New Babbage, much like a train station.
But It would be great to hear other ideas. Maybe we should also add this to the Ning, perhaps?
As a sort of information record and extension upon what happens in-world, it could have a more evocative name like “The New Babbage Teleographer”.
I like this, it fits. Either this or ‘The New Babbage Aethernet’ or some such.
I like Station. Firstly it works for Babbage. Secondly it’s not yet another Steampunk Newspaper title.
Station sounds Who-ish to me.
The New Babbage Teleographer is nice. And honestly, we are Steampunk. At least we are supposed to be. What’s wrong with Yet Another Steampunk Newspaper Title?
Two cents given!
I quite like ‘The Gearbox,’ actually.
How about
The New Babbage Port .. = The Port
1) easy like ning
2) classy and steamy
3) everyone loves a good Port !!
smiles and waits .. looks up and notices The Spell Check ~~
Oh Thank YOU !!!
Many Happy Twirlssssssssssssssssss
Ah laike de Gearbox too. *grins*
I prefer “The Station”, for the same reasons Cyan stated, however the other suggestions are very good as well. I would not be disappointed with any of them so far.
I personally like the station, maybe Babbage Station
Since this project started, I’ve always had in my mind that this site was kind of a reading device – a 1850s-style version of the iPad. I imagine a valise-sized brass-and-walnut box, clockwork-and-steam powered, elegantly engraved, that spits out parchment with writing on it (dot-matrix-printer style) in response to certain knobs being pressed. The content is delivered by telegraph wire, of course. The look and feel is (loosely) inspired by that idea.
I have no idea what that means from a name perspective, but I just like the image. :-)
grins @ AE gosh that Vision would have made a grand Welcome/ splash page Sir
With Respect to
” That Vision” kept in mind .. there can be One True Name that comes to My Mind .. *grins*
well perhaps two !!
1) The New Babbage Machine
“The Machine”
Did I Mention what a better place it is with spell check .. woot !!!
I think the name New-Babbage needs to be in the title somewhere so its name has a really strong connection to the city.
I like Mr Cleanslate’s image of the site, I tend to think of it like a clockwork desktop computer at a library.
As much as I fancy both The Gearbox and The Station as names, I cannot help but feel that single syllables usually work in the favor of memory (we English speakers do love to shorten names down to single syllables generally…), so I throw my vote toward The Port.
How about …… ‘Boiler Room’ or ‘Engine Room’ ?
How about just leaving it as “City of New Babbage”, or “New Babbage”?
I don’t see the benefit to naming it separately, all that will do is confuse folks.
I think it was with regards to how we should refer to it. In world, you usually said “Oh did you check the ning?”
Something short as a replacement so that we’re still not calling it the ‘ning’ when it isn’t would be great.
Ah well then, we should call it the boards.
I call everything a Forum. To many years as an admin at CompuServe made me think this way.
In-house nicknames tend to develop on their own, and this place will be called what it’s called. I had thought we were talking an official name, something for the search engines.
the B-pad? after reading Cleanslate’s comment
I concur with Star and Lia, short and sweet for in-world referral is a plus. And good ideas, all.
Here’s just another one to throw in the hat: Babbage Aethernet Reader, most commonly referred to as the BAR.
After all, New Babbage loves their bars, we have what…nine now? *grins*
I think we need something vague or nonsensical so that someone who isn’t familiar with Babbage will think to ask what it means when they hear it.
I also second a short one syllable word. Something like, “The Hub”, since there’s no in-world reference already and it seems this is the place where most conversation and community occurs.
What about “The Steamhouse”?
ah The Babbage Boards ie
“The Board”..
sounds so .. grins .. like torture .. grins :)
Bottom line not all or many are going to agree to one name ..
I mentioned The Port only because it was easy !
The Machine to compliment the intended ..
but who are we kidding we shall each end up calling it “The ning thing” or” The Site” ,”Hub”, “Pub”, “Buzz”, “Rag”,Cog” or “Gear” Gram”, “Register”.etc etc .. etc ..Perhaps in jest it’s referals shall cause some pardons, or what was that, in conversational jests . .. ah” huh” even.. from time to time .. but, truth be told
it has its name already .. :)
as in, did you check the sump?
Sounds too close to ‘sup?
Yo! Wassup?
it’s where you keep the oil.
Sumps good, or maybe ‘flue’ as in lots of hot air passes through it ?
Or some more ….. Post Office, Stock Yard, Dock, Mill, Lane, Alley, Mews, Babbage Square (People can ask you to look at the ‘square’ instead of the ‘ning’).
Street type names work well. I just can’t think of olde world sounding ones at the moment.
Heh. I like The Flue – hot air indeed! Or along the same lines, what about the Gasbag? *flees*
Hmm. Tick Talk. Er, no, that was meant to sound clockworky, but is more like an insect lecture.
Go back in our history, perhaps the New Babbage Cog. If you don’t get that reference, go enjoy a good historical wallow: http://newbabbagecogarchives.blogspot.com/
We could be old school and call it the BBS (Bulletin Board System). We could even post a few Bulletin Boards across the city that provides links to the site.
For Interesting Discussions Online. FIDO! (Hopefully Cyan remembers FIDO)
Unfortunately no. I really didn’t get access to the Internet until about 2000 (feels like more than ten years ago though) and through school at first. The first site I really went to then was Nintendo’s BBS (or technically Message Boards but I think we still called it BBS) for their Interactive Stories based off their games… Wished they did that again was so fun to write in those.
I ran a FidoNet node from 1992 to about 1996.
*fistbumps fellow old person*
shakes my head and just laughs ..
How about The Valve? It directs flow, it allows for the release of pent-up steam…
looks up and smiles @ “Valve” …..*grins* I think that’s a Sweet Mechanical Term !!
(( grins that has been my Husband’s nickname for decades … a plumber’s joke of course .. ever heard of http://www.theanswerline.com/SubCategoryList.php?catid=40 !))
That’s hysterical, Breezy. I GET it.
Drops “The Gearbox” and throws her support to adopting “The Valve” !!!
[b]The New Babbage Social Engine[/b]
I posted [url=http://cityofnewbabbage.com/drupaltest/namingpoll]a poll[/url] to do some preliminary voting to see what people think. If there’s not a clear favorite we can do a runoff, and then Tenk can decide to override us and pick his favorite. :-)
(At some point soon we need to change the path to our new name from “drupaltest” – until we do that we haven’t fully tested it.)
What say we shut this down later today and concentrate our attention on the 3-4 leaders. If you haven’t voted please do so!
As much as Ah do laike De Gearbox and Na-Na-Ning, Ah agree dat we should go wid jes’ City of New Babbage. It would cut down on de confusion.
Well it’s more the site nickname is what we’re trying to come up with.
Well, den, Ah will continue to root for de Gearbox. Ah laike de idea of de site being named after ME! *giggles*
Well it’s done folks. Welcome to the Babbage Aethernet Reader, aka “the BAR” or the “Reader”! We’re officially at cityofnewbabbage.com/reader/ and we’ll be working the name into the look and feel somehow. Cheers!