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City of New Babbage

A Nice, Clean Floor

The subtle touch of a flame-spitting combustion nozzle, much like that of a high-pressure geyser tube sucking water from the bay, is remarkably adept at clearing away cobwebs, cleansing the immediate environment, and encouraging non-paying customers to move it right along. 

[Found Transcript]

The following is a transcription of an aetheric tickertape located recently in the City Hall archives room. The original embossing date is unclear, but it…


Fauve is returning to the city and fussing about with her lists…

Newspapers of New Babbage

I’m putting this all down so that I will be able to find it again in the future. New Babbage has had a number of…

Old Paperwork

The metal on metal clang happened every second, echoing off the timbers. The old woman seemed to levitate like a mythical saint, arm wrapped around…

October 1st 188∞ Part 1 of 4

The Murgam Asylum was quiet. It was not so quiet that there was implied danger lurking inside every dark corner. But silence had been alien…

So, Interested in a Good Book?

The New Babbage Book Discussion Group has met on a regular basis for awhile, and we’ve amassed a list of science fiction, history, steampunk, children’s…

Memento Resurgam

It rained in Babbage in late fall. Not quite cold enough to snow. The smoke was at full blast on factories in the Square district,…

Calling Steam Santa (Part 5 of 5)

After supper, Mariah was allowed to stay up and open her gift bag at the kitchen table, while her parents watched.  There was the now-traditional…