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A new era in security

Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive.

==Initial Post==

((Posted by Parker Rumsford on June 23, 2010))

When I first moved to this area, I noticed a lack of something; a gap in the market if you will. Being a businessman, I seek to fill that gap and in doing so, the Rumsford Consortium is pleased to announce that a bank will be opened in Clockhaven in addition to a small private security company, aiming to secure all assets within the city and ensure that bank client’s residents will be fully secured for.

We at the Consortium hope to work closely with local government and with the Volunteer Milita in order to provide a better and new era in security for New Babbage.

Much regard,

Parker Rumsford,
Chairman of the Rumsford Consortium


*Reply by Ceejay Writer on June 23, 2010 at 3:03pm
Secure ALL assets within the city? Hands off my cafe!

*Reply by Gabriell Anatra on June 23, 2010 at 3:57pm
Indeed. The phrase ‘secure all assets’ is a euphemism traditionally used by invading armies who really mean to loot the place and jail or kill all who resist.

Rather like modern marketing methods, actually.

*Reply by Mr Underby on June 23, 2010 at 4:19pm
If you would be interested, I can act as liason between your business and the local government.

*Reply by Tepic Harlequin on June 23, 2010 at 4:46pm
errrr…. didn’t the last bank go through a period of bust an boom…. boom being the sound it made when it blew up, an it sure was busted after!

*Reply by Grace Toussaint on June 23, 2010 at 10:38pm
My dear Chairman Rumsford,

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Grace Toussaint, a solicitor of vast experience and sterling reputation. I have recently taken a residence in New Babbage and have also acquired offices for my practice. I hope to be an asset to the New Babbage community in future. I humbly pray that you and the Consortium will consider my services if you are in need of legal advice.

I am,
your humble servant, etc.,
Grace Toussaint, Esq.

*Reply by straitsilver Lekvoda on July 14, 2010 at 10:15pm
oh what!
may i introduce my self !
i am straitsilver lekvoda barister and commander in the new Babbage aether corps

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