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A fate well deserved…

Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive.

==Initial Post==

((Posted by Moses Mureaux on June 12, 2010))

"We’re nearly to the last one…," I whispered.

I held the nail at arms length, and focused, allowing only the tiniest portion of my birthright to issue forth from my eyes. The stream of radiant energy strikes the point with unerring accuracy. Years of practice have made this second nature. Withing seconds, the nail glows with my power, and I fix it in it’s place.


A broad smile creeps across my face. The terror of the unjust is such a merry sound.

"Oh, but you did mean harm. You meant to thwart Lady Mureaux, and I’m afraid I just can not abide that…"


I place my hand under his chin and ease his jaw shut. The pressure caused his skull to grind against the clamps. He struggled, and I pressed his jaw more firmly. He attempted to scream into a shut mouth as his teeth cracked from the pressure, his veins bulging with futility.

"Shhh… Now, now… We need not turn my House into a den of lies. You and you alone have brought yourself here. My beloved never did you any harm, and yet you set yourself against her. She labored only for her own happiness, and at the pleasure of others, and has not once traded upon her station. She was perfectly content to ply her craft, and enjoy the process itself. She did not seek praise, nor recognition. Yet, you, through guile, attempted to set others against her, and elevate the work of your own hands to a status which, and I’m being kind, it simply does not deserve. And still, your mechanations were quite beneath her notice. Pity for you, they were not beneath mine."

I released him, and returned to the nails.

"No, no, no, no, no… Don’t… Please don’t do this! I’LL DO ANYTHING!"

An involuntary laugh bellows forth.

"Are you not greatful at my mercy? This way you will be dead in only a few days. Would you rather I let you live, and slowly dismantle everything you have, everything you are, everything you thought you knew from the shadows, and all the while you toil for naught, with none the wiser? Oh yes, my tretcherous friend, that was the alternative. For you see, you underestimate my reach. I knew you were aware of the eyes peering outward from within my House. But you were ignorant of those that look from without. I watch over many, and many watch over me. Many are the alliances that are made in secret. Many the pact sealed in darkness. The strength of my arm is respected by the angels, and my counsel is given heed by the gods. And you thought to triffle with those who are mine?"

My question was answered by the sweet weeping of a man who has lost all hope.

"Ah… You understand the sum total of your fate… Here you lay, a small and insignificant man of little account, in the possesion of the Lord and Master of this House. You dispair, but you should rejoice, knowing that your last days will be filled with purpose! For your agony will bring me much delight!"

I fixed the last nail to the plate, and set the machine in motion. Hundreds of nails infused with my radiant energy would soon bore, ever so slowly, into this wretch’s body. I walked over to the phonograph, and set the needle to the disk. The strings of the Arcanian Symphony Orchestra filled the chamber. As the nails drew within centimeters of his flesh, I poured myself a glass of Absinthe, and took my seat.

"Now my friend… Serenade me with your pain…"

==Comments (page 1)==

*Comment by Bookworm Hienrichs on June 12, 2010 at 6:56pm
Wow. My list of ‘people not to get on the bad side of’ is really growing…

*Comment by Mr. W—— on June 12, 2010 at 7:33pm
Nope…don’t see anything wrong with this…the good guy ALWAYS torture those weaker for self interest…

sets his jaw knowing the day will come, if not too soon

*Comment by Sky Netizen on June 12, 2010 at 8:34pm
gasps, wide-eyed
Torture, Moses? Such activities are rather barbaric inhumane unbecoming, especially for those in positions of power.

*Comment by Moses Mureaux on June 12, 2010 at 8:52pm
We come from different worlds. An Arcanian would march head long into battle, with his wife and children at his side, fighting with all of their being to overcome a common enemy. If one, or two, of more of us fall, those that live to fight again would cry out in songs of praise for the lost, their voices reaching upward and echoing into the ether as a warning to what lies beyond, "Take heed, an Arcanian is coming!" In this, there is loss, but no anger.

But woe unto any one, man, or woman, or creatures exalted, or beasts most fell, who attempt to wound the heart of one beloved of us. For the issue of rage and torment to be unleashed has cowered even the most vile of devils.

We give and love freely, and we ask for naught. And yet some would accept our kindness with one hand, and hold a dagger in the other, futilely attempting to hide in the shadows from he who’s eyes shine in the night. For those, only one question remains, "To what end will your deceit take you?"

*Comment by Zachary Somerset on June 13, 2010 at 12:07am
wonders what the rental price might be of a secret bunker in some faraway place–say, Steelhead?–to stash Nell in to get her away from this megalomaniac….

*Comment by Aizek Tchailenov on June 13, 2010 at 12:44am
As an Arcanian of built, rather than of birth, I must say I have none of the "natural arcanian principles", and yet I find quite benevolent the actions taken by Mr. Moses, given the circumstances, this same man, if we can call him that, in arcanian soil would have suffered more apropiate fate on the hands of men that makes suffering a form of art. You see, for an arcanian death is honorable, but treason is the worst thing one can pretend.

In my journeys, a lot have I seen, and yet the arcanian justice, though may seem barbaric for an outsider, is in some ways more fair than many of the ones we can find around the globe.

Now, a question for thee, Ms. Netizen, who come and speak of torture, but are you really sure that torture is what it is, or is it plain and simple justice? for me its all about perspective.

For you Mr. Somerset, I recomend not you to go too far, since that he who pretends to shelter from the world, will see hilself isolated from his true friends when most in need of them

*Comment by Verlia Bilavio on June 13, 2010 at 1:39am
You said you’d never hurt a fly! Pfftt… I suppose I was supposed to take that literally.

*Comment by Moses Mureaux on June 13, 2010 at 1:55am
Zachary my boy, I’ve dispatched a list of all of the secret bunkers, lairs, & compounds in the known Steamlands to you. After you’ve stolen away in the dead of night, properly disguised, with several decoys going in a random direction to ensure you aren’t followed, and settled into your new home, I will send you a nice plant as a secret hideaway warming gift.

*Comment by Moses Mureaux on June 13, 2010 at 2:10am
Lia, I can assure you, I did not hurt this man. The nails did it for me…


*Comment by Gabriell Anatra on June 13, 2010 at 2:55am
It’s definitely torture. I do not have great difficulty with the concept, having used it on rare occasion myself, but I’ve found that if you intend to remove a problem it’s generally best to simply kill instead.

Torture serves best to encourage others to restrain the more undisciplined elements of their constituency. For that reason it’s best done publicly. Covert torture done as interrogation is a different matter but as punishment it’s rather pointless isn’t it?

==Comments (page 2)==

*Comment by Ilianexsi Sojourner on June 13, 2010 at 3:25am

*Comment by Moses Mureaux on June 13, 2010 at 3:25am
If it truly was torture it was hardly pointless, as it did indeed serve it’s stated purpose rather nicely. However, to clarify, just because an execution proceeds slowly and with dramatic flare does not mean it is not an execution. Nor does it stop it from simply being, as Aizek stated, justice…

*Comment by Victor on June 13, 2010 at 3:35am
Mr Somerset, if you wish to find a place to hide Nell away for a time, you know where my laboratory is, i have a few places which the lab equipment can reach where prying eyes are always seen…and dealt with. It is now blatantly obvious that there is something wrong with the House of Mureaux, a kind of insidious creeping of a bygone Arcanian era of informants and spies now ever present in New Babbage.

When it comes to the protection of innocents, the "no involvement" rule of the council can be…bent a little.

*Comment by Tepic Harlequin on June 13, 2010 at 4:20am
errr…. Mr Mureaux…. if you talking bout hiding in shadows, it’s quite difficult when most of em seem to be filled with your people! an would you please tell em to watch where they are stepping an make sure there ain’t a small urchin curled up asleep there!

now i been wandering all over the place, an seen some stuff…. what the elves do ter people as have crossed em, i ain’t gonna say, cus it ain’t nice, but they do it up front so’s you can see an take warning… doing stuff an enjoying someone’s suffering, now that’s what mink do, an everyone knows what they are like…..

*Comment by Mr. W—— on June 13, 2010 at 10:40am
((From what I understand, the man is guilty of some slight to Ms. Mureaux. It is hardly elaborated on; a "slight" however is hardly room for torture, much less a horrific execution. The following is more of a rhetorical conversation with myself…Moses is not specifically being addressed:))

Moses…you forget yourself! This is not Arcania and the rules of that bygone place, much less ramblings of its totalitarianistic dogma, are not welcome in New Babbage. I once knew you for a friend and ally…and am shamed to see what you’ve become…but if someone must stand between you and New Babbage…

A sneer crosses his cruel lips I accept the challenge, Moses…but then, you might be well aware of that already. Don’t forget, I’m in those shadows too…and your men aren’t the match they used to be against me.

Oh look…there’s one now.

There’s a mouthed but voiceless scream in the night…and like that, a "Watcher" disappears.

*Comment by Verlia Bilavio on June 13, 2010 at 1:43pm
opens her mouth to say something in protest and promptly closes it

is suddenly very eager to attend her meeting with Mr. [name illegible]

*Comment by Moses Mureaux on June 14, 2010 at 12:42am
Young Tepic, never fear. If you ask many of your fellow, you are sure to find that I watch over the lost children of the city diligently, and keep them safe from harm.

For those who would judge my actions harshly, bear in mind that you know not the circumstances of this man’s crime. Nor shall you. And while I consider many of you my dear & cherished friends, it is best to remember one irrevocable fact: I and my House are not answerable to you.

As many of you know, while I consider New Babbage my home, my estate is well outside the city proper, and is, as such, Arcanian soil. Those who cross our border, or who are brought to us by extradition, are subject to our laws, and our ways. Therefore, beware! Trespass against those in my change, and you may well learn the finality of our justice!

*Comment by Scottie Melnik on June 14, 2010 at 1:55am
So this was not done in Babbage? If that’s the case then I hope the man was aware of the rather harsh repercussions of whatever crime he committed. Either way if it was on Arcanian soil then it’s your decision on how to handle such matters.
That said, I’m wondering about how exactly people are extradited…

*Comment by Aizek Tchailenov on June 14, 2010 at 9:43am
simple: just make them cross the gate of Mureaux’s estate… :)

*Comment by Penelope Strathearn on June 14, 2010 at 1:20pm
And to think, Moses, I once told you that you’d practically have to bugger kittens in Market Square for people to think there was anything "off" about you, and even then, the kittens would have to be holding up a sign stating "This act of brutal bestiality is non-consensual"….

Well, chara, I take it back! Honestly, you don’t do anything halfway, do you? *eyeroll*

==Comments (page 3)==

*Comment by Moses Mureaux on June 14, 2010 at 2:17pm
((Byron: The physical location is actually outside of New Babbage and was established shortly after the Attack at Loner Lane story. However, the HoM has very intricate ties with several municipalities and "Many are the alliances that are made in secret. Many the pact sealed in darkness." We are visitors in a strange land, and the hospitality we’ve been given was purchased with a heavy price. Now, which governments received those payment? Who’s to say?

I considered establishing an embassy, but for reasons yet to be revealed, I have indefinitely postponed that. My New Babbage base of operations is the office at Loner Lane.

Nell: I take that as quite a compliment! And no, halfway is for sissies.))

*Comment by Mr. W—— on June 14, 2010 at 2:19pm
((Excellent…some of the previous comments led me to believe we WERE discussing the property in New Babbage…that clears up a lot!))

*Comment by Gabriell Anatra on June 20, 2010 at 3:14am
I’m not certain that would work well here and now. Among my people it does, but then again we’re as aggressive and ruthless a people as any I’ve yet heard of. Most seem to have found other ways of controlling their . . loose individuals.

*Comment by Tepic Harlequin on June 20, 2010 at 3:21am
((Out of interest, until the development of the Penitentiary imprisonment system, developed in mid-Victorian times, prison was just a waiting place until your punishment was decided – these could be quite, in modern eyes, barbaric, and usually in public so that everyone knew what happens when you do a particular thing wrong.))

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