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[Found Transcript]

The following is a transcription of an aetheric tickertape located recently in the City Hall archives room. The original embossing date is unclear, but it…

Newspapers of New Babbage

I’m putting this all down so that I will be able to find it again in the future. New Babbage has had a number of…

Old Paperwork

The metal on metal clang happened every second, echoing off the timbers. The old woman seemed to levitate like a mythical saint, arm wrapped around…

So, Interested in a Good Book?

The New Babbage Book Discussion Group has met on a regular basis for awhile, and we’ve amassed a list of science fiction, history, steampunk, children’s…

Memento Resurgam

It rained in Babbage in late fall. Not quite cold enough to snow. The smoke was at full blast on factories in the Square district,…

Second Life Editing Services

I set up a page at my editing site for Second Life editing services, Lindens accepted as payment. Tell your friends, tell your nemesis. Happy…

Bourbon & Rum Pt.1 : D shoves off

Domino stood in her office in The Back Row, loading her clothes and equipment, mostly a vast assortment of weapons, into a large duffel bag.…

Underwood’s Exile

Professor Valeska walked into the new building in the Port and found Philip Underwood studying blueprints, the elderly gentleman tossed the large envelope so that…

Working Late

Finishing up The List for the elf to pick up tomorrow. Don’t want him to think we’re not ready for Giftmas.