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Wot ‘appened To The Picture Galleries?

They seem to ‘ave disappeared.

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  1. Tepic Harlequin Tepic Harlequin March 11, 2015

    Yep, happened a while back, not sure what caused it.

  2. Cyan Rayna Cyan Rayna March 11, 2015

    The pictures are apparently no longer on the server either. Not sure where they went.

  3. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse March 12, 2015

    A friend of mine recently had all his pictures disappear off his website after his google account asked if he’d like to clean up his storage in order to make some room. He managed to find the “undo” buttom buried about three layers down and behind a door saying beware of the “Beware of the Leopard” but he was able to recover them.

    • Cyan Rayna Cyan Rayna March 12, 2015

      Well they are not anywhere on our site that I am aware of but don’t have full access to it either except for just the new babbage portion.

  4. violet Solano violet Solano March 12, 2015

    sounds like an evil Plot!…………………….. oh and it wasn’t me


  5. Tepic Harlequin Tepic Harlequin March 12, 2015

    Looks like the Gallery is working again! At least, for new pics :-)

    • Cyan Rayna Cyan Rayna March 13, 2015

      I think the gallery itself is fine, it’s just the images from before have been deleted.

      • Tepic Harlequin Tepic Harlequin March 13, 2015

        We can rebuild them, we have the technology (steam powered, of course!), we have the resources…. errrrr…….. where have i heard this before? heheheh

  6. Mr Tenk Mr Tenk March 15, 2015

    i recall that there wasn’t a file size restriction on the photos, which might have been a mistake. maybe put a upload parameter on it so it doesn’t hog the server we’re wedged in on?


    • Cyan Rayna Cyan Rayna March 15, 2015

      I was also thinking maybe just making a new babbage flickr account and have it load the images from there.

      • Garnet Psaltery Garnet Psaltery March 15, 2015

        That would be so quick and easy. I wish I could tell you how to do it. :o)

      • Mr Tenk Mr Tenk March 16, 2015

        there is a flickr account. i think i’ll go back to putting my images there and will be easier on storage


        • Cyan Rayna Cyan Rayna March 16, 2015

          Can you put the link to it here? Also who manages that? We may be and to link it and show the images in a gallery.

  7. River Falcon River Falcon March 19, 2015

    I see that we can still upload pictures and that people are starting to do this again. It’s good to see some graphics around.

  8. Pilipo Underwood Pilipo Underwood March 28, 2015

    Is there a way to delete my dead photo’s in a single go or am I faced with one-at-a-timin’ here? 

    • Cyan Rayna Cyan Rayna March 28, 2015

      if you still have them you should be able to edit and re-add them. But I’m pretty sure if you edit you can delete them as well.

      • Pilipo Underwood Pilipo Underwood March 28, 2015

        I no longer have most of them. But it’s a lesson to me not to upload too many, or to dump them after a time.

  9. River Falcon River Falcon March 28, 2015

    I must admit, I am a bit of a complusive tidier. I deleted all my dead photos (and the stories that they appeared in) and am starting afresh. I didn’t find a way of doing it in a single go; I deleted them one-by-one. Thankfully, I only had a small handful to tidy away.

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