Archivist note: This article is from an older recovered archive and might be obsolete or in need of updating.
Most recent revision is shown below, by Lopxie.
Transcript of the seance held at the RF Burton Public Library, in which Dizelle Soup made contact with Mr. Underby, as heard by Lo Pixie Artful.
”i decided to write down, in my little diary, as much as i could remember of what people said and did at that horrid seance. perhaps it will help. i wrote as one might write a play, for i do love the stage… for, up there, one is always adored, and nobody really gets hurt! here it is, then…”
Mara Razor: *watches from a safe distance*
Serafina Puchkina: Hi Mara
Wiggy Undertone: Hello Mara
LoPxie Artful curtsies politely
Serafina Puchkina: hello Miss Artful
Dizelle Soup: Dr Dayafter, if you wouldn’t mind conducting once I go into trance?
LoPxie Artful shyly “hallo…
Augustus Dayafter: I will do my best
Dizelle Soup looks around at everyone, face to face
Aquaria Semyorka: trance?
Wiggy Undertone: *sneaks a look under the table, looking for any magic props*
Jedburgh30 Dagger: off my head Tinus
Dizelle Soup: Thank you all for coming tonight…
Aquaria Semyorka: that was my stocking, Wigs
Mara Razor: *whispers* hello lo
Tinus Koskinen: oh hello sorry?
LoPxie Artful smiles at mara
Dizelle Soup: We seek contact with a man who has passed to the other side
Dizelle Soup: He was known to you all as Mr Mr. Underby….
Dizelle Soup: I need those who had met him to concentrate on him.
Aquaria Semyorka: I must have been drunk that night
Dizelle Soup: His face, his pose, his voice, manner of speaking,
Wiggy Undertone: I never met the man myself, but I did hear about him.
Aquaria Semyorka: does Yo Yo Ma count?
Dizelle Soup: He was said to have been a sorcerer
LoPxie Artful: i knew him. he was my teacher in the occult sciences.
Dizelle Soup: One hopes it will help him come through tonight…
Dizelle Soup: I go now, into deep trance…
Augustus Dayafter: Mr. Underby… are you with us?
Fiona Shoreland is Offline
Wiggy Undertone: Dr. Dayafter, should Aqua and I let someone else sit who knew Mr. Underby?
Serafina Puchkina looks around expectantly
Dizelle Soup: WHO
Dizelle Soup: WHO CALLS
Wiggy Undertone: Oh my..
Augustus Dayafter: Dr. Dayafter
Dizelle Soup: DAY
Dizelle Soup: YES
Dizelle Soup: WHAT
Augustus Dayafter: Mr. Underby, I am trying to clear your name of this murder you are accused of
Augustus Dayafter: can you help me?
Dizelle Soup laughs spasmodically
Dizelle Soup: O
Dizelle Soup: O
Dizelle Soup: O YES
Tinus Koskinen watches Dizelle in convulsions
Dizelle Soup: YES
Wiggy Undertone looks skeptical
Augustus Dayafter: can you give us a name?
Augustus Dayafter: the one that is guilty
Dizelle Soup: WICK
Father Pizzaro remains noncommital
Dizelle Soup: FAE
LoPxie Artful cowers nervously
Dizelle Soup: WICK
Dizelle Soup: YES
Dizelle Soup: SHE
Mara Razor: fae?
Dizelle Soup: HER
Wiggy Undertone: Phaedra?
Dizelle Soup: YES
Serafina Puchkina looks at the others in the room.
Dizelle Soup: FATHER
Dizelle Soup: HER
Dizelle Soup: FATHER
Dizelle Soup: GAR
Dizelle Soup: NET
Father Pizzaro looks around
Augustus Dayafter: Is there any evidence Mr. underby?
Dizelle Soup: NO
Dizelle Soup: BURNED
Tinus Koskinen whipsers “garnet”
Dizelle Soup: SHE
Dizelle Soup: LIVES HERE
Dizelle Soup: NO
Dizelle Soup: NO NOW
Augustus Dayafter: in Babbage?
Dizelle Soup: YES
Wiggy Undertone looks around nervously
Augustus Dayafter: would any of you like to ak any questions?
Dizelle Soup: LO
Dizelle Soup looks at Lo suddenly
Dizelle Soup: YOU
Magdalena Kamenev raises an eyebrow.
Dizelle Soup: YOU
Dizelle Soup: DARE
Mosseveno Tenk stomps noisily across the roof
LoPxie Artful: 0.0
Wiggy Undertone: What was that on the roof?
Tinus Koskinen wonders how Underby will react to the mayor
LoPxie Artful tries to hid behind miss mara
Dizelle Soup: LO
Dizelle Soup: YOU
Dizelle Soup: BEE
Dizelle Soup: ME
LoPxie Artful: no!! no i did not!!
LoPxie Artful: it was an accident!!
Mason Scientist: Leave the child alone, spirit!
LoPxie Artful: 0.0
LoPxie Artful: i only wanted to help!
Wiggy Undertone: What was an accident?
Dizelle Soup: THE RAT
LoPxie Artful: i only wanted to learn from him!
LoPxie Artful: i didn’t mean any harm!
Dizelle Soup: T’WASSS THE RAT
Tinus Koskinen: ((Mr. Sixpence))
LoPxie Artful: …
Magdalena Kamenev: Just how did Mr. Underby die?
LoPxie Artful: mr sixpence killed him!
Dizelle Soup: THE RAT SET
Dizelle Soup: THE TRAP
Dizelle Soup: TRAP
Dizelle Soup: BUT
Dizelle Soup: T’WAS MY PLAN
Dizelle Soup: THE RAT
Dizelle Soup: IS
Dizelle Soup: A FO
Dizelle Soup: A FOOL
Dizelle Soup: I AM
Dizelle Soup: NOT
Dizelle Soup: DEAD
Dizelle Soup: I WAIT
Dizelle Soup: TO
Augustus Dayafter: for what?
Dizelle Soup: RETURN
Mason Scientist: Classic denial…
Augustus Dayafter looks to Miss Artful, “Have you any clue what he is talking about?”
LoPxie Artful nods shyly
Serafina Puchkina stands very quiet and very still
Tinus Koskinen: and how will you return Mr. Yoyo?
Dizelle Soup: TT
Dizelle Soup: TH
Dizelle Soup: THE PIECES
Augustus Dayafter: Pieces of what?
LoPxie Artful: of him.
Augustus Dayafter: oh…
Dizelle Soup: THE RAT SPLIT
LoPxie Artful: 0.0
Magdalena Kamenev: He’s in pieces?
LoPxie Artful nods
Stargirl Macbain listens
Dizelle Soup laughs
Dizelle Soup: THE RAT DOES NOT
Dizelle Soup: KNOW
Dizelle Soup: ALL BUT ONE
Dizelle Soup: ARE
Dizelle Soup: TOGETHER
LoPxie Artful gasps
Mason Scientist whispers: I suggest we keep it that way…
LoPxie Artful covers her mouth
Dizelle Soup: I NUHHHH
Dizelle Soup: I
Dizelle Soup: I KNOW
Dizelle Soup: WHERE
Dizelle Soup: THEY ARE
Magdalena Kamenev agrees with the Scientist fellow.
Dizelle Soup: WUH
Dizelle Soup: AND SO
Dizelle Soup: I
Dizelle Soup: WAIT
Dizelle Soup: HE
Dizelle Soup: HE WILL BE SO
Dizelle Soup: SUR
Stargirl Macbain murmurs, “we don’t know that he’s evil. just powerful.”
Dizelle Soup: PRISED
Magdalena Kamenev: Sounds like Mr. Yoyo needs a good Christian burial. Or better yet, several to a half-dozen good Christian burials.
Dizelle Soup laughs
Serafina Puchkina shivers
Wiggy Undertone: pieces? Where are these pieces?
Dizelle Soup: HE
Dizelle Soup: WILL
Augustus Dayafter: pieces of his body
Dizelle Soup: HA
Jedburgh30 Dagger: i don’t think so Gus
Mosseveno Tenk snickers and gestures to kaylee
Aquaria Semyorka: them bones them bones gonna rise again
Dizelle Soup: HE WILL
Dizelle Soup: BE AN
Dizelle Soup: GRY
Dizelle Soup: I WILL
Dizelle Soup: LAUGH
Magdalena Kamenev: But that ain’t the workin’ of dey Lawd …
Mosseveno Tenk snerks
LoPxie Artful bites her nails
Magdalena Kamenev shoos the Clockwinder away.
Augustus Dayafter: ((giggles at Magz))
Wiggy Undertone looks skeptical “Well, we could always just hide some of the pieces. Or burn them.”
Mosseveno Tenk mutters under his breath… “oh puh-leeez”
Dizelle Soup: HE DOES NOT
Dizelle Soup: KNOW
Dizelle Soup: HE HAS THEM
Dizelle Soup laughs
Mason Scientist checks his pocketwatch.
Dizelle Soup: BUT I DO
Mara Razor: *grins at the clockwinder*
Stargirl Macbain eyes father Pizzaro
Magdalena Kamenev: Oh dear. Surprise putresence and lividity, ftw.
Mosseveno Tenk: what the hell….?
Mara Razor: *whispers to tenk* you didn’t come for supper tonight….
Dizelle Soup: MMMMMMMM
Mosseveno Tenk: its hot as an iron… *stares at wrench*
Dizelle Soup: SUNDAY
Dizelle Soup: SUN DAY
Dizelle Soup: I
Augustus Dayafter: what happens Sunday?
Dizelle Soup: RETURN
Dizelle Soup smiles
Mason Scientist: That medium better shut off the link to the spirit world soon…she’s putting her health at risk.
Serafina Puchkina’s eyes widen
Magdalena Kamenev: El Dia de los Muertos?
Dizelle Soup: LO…
Dizelle Soup: HAD
Dizelle Soup: BETTER
Dizelle Soup: YOU
Dizelle Soup: HIDE
Magdalena Kamenev: He’s coming back on the day of the dead & All Saint’s Day? Bad idea.
Mosseveno Tenk drops his wrench loudly
Dizelle Soup: OHHH!
Mosseveno Tenk: CRAP!
Dizelle Soup jolts violently forward
LoPxie Artful runs from the room, tears pouring down her face
Mosseveno Tenk: what the hell… *stares at his wrench*
Wiggy Undertone jumps and looks up
Wiggy Undertone: Is there a spirit on the roof?
”… and i ran and ran, until i came to a park, and cried for a little while… and then i transformed into my owl shape, and flew up onto the roof… mr tenk was there too, tho’ he didn’t recognise me…”
Dizelle Soup: Quite fatigued…
Dizelle Soup: Did he speak?
Stargirl Macbain: We can’t let him do anything to that little girl.
Wiggy Undertone looks skeptical
Augustus Dayafter: he mentioned something about not being dead and about coming back on sunday
Dizelle Soup: Oooh, I have a chill now
Dizelle Soup: Not… dead?
Jedburgh30 Dagger: she may have had something to do with the murder
Dizelle Soup: Who?
Dizelle Soup: Not I?
Wiggy Undertone: That little girl that ran out of here.
Dizelle Soup: I never met him…
Stargirl Macbain: That doesn’t matter, she’s a kid.
Jedburgh30 Dagger: the little girl
Augustus Dayafter: We may be taking it wrong
Jedburgh30 Dagger: it certainly does
Augustus Dayafter: it may not have been a threat
Dizelle Soup: I don’t recall a child here
Augustus Dayafter: She arrived after your trance
Mason Scientist: Guard your tongues. The Spirit may still be present in this room.
Dizelle Soup: He is right.
Dizelle Soup: Ah
Dizelle Soup: It has been known to happen.
Augustus Dayafter: I am sure he still is
Stargirl Macbain: “You had better hide?” That’s got to be a….oh actually, you might not be nuts
Augustus Dayafter: There IS that awful business of that Gloom fellow
Mosseveno Tenk: hello owl
Stargirl Macbain nodds
Wiggy Undertone: Gloom fellow?
Dizelle Soup: I have such a strange clammy feeling now.
Augustus Dayafter: Mr. underby was quite clammy looking
Magdalena Kamenev pours two fingers of scotch for Miss Soup and sets it down before her.
Dizelle Soup: I believe I need a breath of fresh air Dr…
Dizelle Soup: Ah thank you
Wiggy Undertone: Well, thank you all for an interesting evening.
Dizelle Soup: It was a pleasure to meet you Dr.
”.. and then i could stand it no longer, and i flew away quickly, and transformed back to my proper self, and i ran up the stairs at mr victor’s hotel, to find poor mr sixpence in a dreadful state!..”