All right, everybody. It’s time for ROUND II with my computer. *smiles* As we all know in the first installment, my computer made it nigh impossible to bring you the music you had come to hear. I’m back with a new viewer and and a new attitude, so let’s try this again!
It’s time for another installation of Wigged Out Wednesday! Please join us at the Alice-Henri Asylum for a set from my ecclectic, twisted little mind. Ya never know what I’ll play! Feel free to dress crazily, as it is an asylum. But do remember, if your crazy dress inhibits another dancer, we just might let them get ya for it! ^^ Anything can happen at Wigged Out Wednesday, so join us and have a blast!
This time, I’m asking for the dress theme to be crazy hair. ^^ Anything odd that looks awesome!
(Don’t worry guys, we’re gonna be prepared this time. Test run and all. ^_~)
This time we’ll make sure it will end with enough time to make it to the stories at the Bucket.
I have 2 hours and 9 minutes…^^ Feel free to skip out when you need to so as to make it to the Bucket!