- user warning: Unknown column ‘captcha_type’ in ‘field list’ query: SELECT module, captcha_type FROM captcha_points WHERE form_id = ‘search_theme_form’ in /hermes/web08/b1270/pow.newbabbage/htdocs/drupaltest/modules/captcha/captcha.inc on line 60.
- user warning: Unknown column ‘captcha_type’ in ‘field list’ query: SELECT module, captcha_type FROM captcha_points WHERE form_id = ‘blog_node_form’ in /hermes/web08/b1270/pow.newbabbage/htdocs/drupaltest/modules/captcha/captcha.inc on line 60.
- user warning: Table ‘newbabbage_IC_20100523_154228.wysiwyg_user’ doesn’t exist query: SELECT format, status FROM wysiwyg_user WHERE uid = 769 in /hermes/web08/b1270/pow.newbabbage/htdocs/drupaltest/modules/wysiwyg/wysiwyg.module on line 678.
- user warning: Unknown column ‘captcha_type’ in ‘field list’ query: SELECT module, captcha_type FROM captcha_points WHERE form_id = ‘search_block_form’ in /hermes/web08/b1270/pow.newbabbage/htdocs/drupaltest/modules/captcha/captcha.inc on line 60.
What the duece?!
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Yeah, I’m getting that error as well.
Did any of the other admins install or uninstall any modules lately? I haven’t.
apparently a known issue with the Drupal update, and while I codebash for a living, I’ll let the web team do their thing :)
I have no clue, but it’s still around. Perhaps it is a widget that went haywire?
well, glad to know it’s not something with my settings making me see it now and it’s the site itself instead
~fears the code~
I’ve reset the Captcha module, and hopefully that’s fixed it.
Captcha errors seem to be gone… but now the calendar seems confused. All events are december 31st at 11:30? What’s happening there?
Left a note for the web team. I suspect a pointer was reset…
Just FYI – I think these messages occurred while we were updating the modules.