The Clockwinder has gently requested *rubs bruise from wrench to back of head* that I assist in the wiki project and find something that needs a little help. And lo did i notice this:
Notice something missing? No? Here…I’ll point it out…
YOU are missing from our citizens gallery! How horrid! How Awful! Whatever is to be done?!
Simple, really: write a character profile and either A: Sign up for a wiki account OR B: pass it to either myself or Mr. Baroque (information given at the end of this rather lengthy brow-beating).
Not sure what to write for a character profile? Well, simple is better than lengthy.
I’ll give you a link to one of my favorites:
Simple, to the point and plenty of room to grow.
Here’s three more I’m rather fond of:
See? It does not have to be the War and Peace of biographies in order to be interesting. Answer the very simple questions: Who are you and what are you doing here?
Also, you want to leave something (or in the case of several of these EVERYTHING) to be discovered by your fellows in-world. Afterwords you can start adding links to your blogs and update it as your story unfolds *gives a long look to her own profile* or ignore it for a year and hope it updates itself.
That last so rarely happens!
Anyway, Now that you’re feeling inspired it’s time to write the profile! You may either post it on this as a comment (oher!) OR You may email it to me at: stargirlmacbain (Atsymbol) OR you may (for greater anonymity) paste it into a notecard and drop it to either myself (Stargirl Macbain) or Galactic Baroque.
Now, get to writing. You want to feed my procrastination habit, don’t you?
Also, Sky, Scottie, Phaedra and Maggie: SHAME on you lot. I expect yours by the end of the week.
*looks up from building and points to To-Do list* It’ll be done here shortly (hopefully)!
And if you put so much as a bow or ruffle on me I will not be pleased.
Of course, Dr. Obolensky’s bio could stand a little updating. After all, it still lists him as missing and assumed dead after the collapse of Obolenskidonia…
Hmmm. So how are the ukelele lessons going “Book”?
Yes, I do think I need to update Dr. O now that he’s got a paramour…will you be keeping your own name or taking his, Miss Hienrichs?
oooh! oooh! i’m there already, an if i’m allowed ter be there, anyone can! be nice ter seen more of us urchins there, cus we are very interesting, an have lots of interesting stuff happen to us… errr… or around us… errrr… or to things near us… ummm…. errr… none of it our fault, of course…
Oy never imagin’d me biography from th’ previous soite wouldn’t be acquoired by osmosis by this new contraption. Oy’ll scribble somethin’ shortly.
Oooh. I never even saw that bit, just our profiles here. Oh boy… ::stares at alts:: Why can’t you write your own?!
Alts? What ever are they?
Do it, or my mother’s going to come back from the grave and haunt you. And I’m going to come back from wherever I am and make you wish you were swimming in the canals for days.
I will start making stuff up. Oh wait, I already have. Better check your bios.
I’m working on it I’m working on it! Honestly woman, I’m very busy-ish.
Considering what’s there now, you might want to get to it soon-ish.
(It wasn’t me! Truly!)
Have no fear, I know it wasn’t you, Miss Hienrichs. Mr. Baroque and I had a tiny little argument.
Honestly, THIS is what comes of heroics. Do remind me not to do anything kind for anyone ever again.
((Logs into the wiki to adjust Baroque’s character profile…))
((I ROFL’d))
((Oh, I did too. Especially since I know who did it. *grin*))
Oh dear, I’m horribly bad at these things! The Steamlanders thingy still has me living in Caledon! Oh dear… Must remember password… Must not forget to update thingy…
You could take the profile I wrote for this notning thing. I used to have a profile did some pages in the archive get lost at some point?
Done. I searched for a previous profile and came up empty. You might be thinking of the page you wrote for the Horta.
Admittedly, I am incredibly late to this party. Exactly how does one go about adding a biography? Cannot log in directly at the wiki site. Tried logging in to the not-ning and navigating from there with no success. Cannot find how to create an account — takes me back to the log in page.
*makes flappy hands*
I do exist . . . mostly.
Give me time to acquire and eat lunch, and I’ll set up a new account for you.
Or I can just send you a new password. *grin*
Thank you!
Just let me know how long you want it and I can email it to you. ^^
Thank you! Miss Book sent me the information
I meant for Miss Book or Miss McBain to tell me what kind of entry they wanted from me and when they wanted it and where they wanted me to send it…
Sorry to be so late in a reply! It can be as long or as short as you want it to be–it depends on how much you want to reveal in it. It can be as simple as Aeolus Cleanslate’s entry, or as complex as mine. If it’s simple, you can probably just send it to me or Miss Stargirl inworld in a notecard. If it’s more complex, let me know and I’ll send you my email address.
Hmmm… I’ll see if I can’t come up with a good medium between the two.^^ And I’ll send it in-game when I actually write it up^^