I do believe the grace period on the Ning has ended.
Which stinks, actually, as I only yesterday found out that, when I saved off the pages as web pages, for some reason, any images on them got partially cut off. It also means I can’t work on the wiki project at work. (During my lunch hours! Mostly.)
Victor, you said you saved off photos from the Ning? If so, I may be tapping you on the shoulder a lot…
By the way, have we decided on a name for this site yet?
Heh. Finally found the post where the “BAR” or “Reader” name was announced. (Hey, give me a break–it happened when I’d just left for vacation! *grin*) I’ll add that name to the Wiki–I’ve already removed the links to the main Ning page. Changing all the others, though, is going to be a looooong process.
I like NanaNing too.
I believe the poll that was taken indicated “Babbage Aethernet Reader” (BAR) as the official winner of the poll, but no word as to whether that is being enforced in any way.
Or the Reader which is the name this site is under http://cityofnewbabbage.com/reader
National Exaggerator? National Blabbermouth?
it is a little known fact that the sea lion was the mascot of the university of california at santa cruz, because student buzz eventually forced the campus to officially adopt the banana slug.
Go Slugs!
New Babbage needs a football team. Go fighting wiggyfish! :-)
As long as it’s real football. Not this overpadded rugby the Americans play :-)
I feel a sense of relief! Some things warrant being buried in soft peat… forever. Time to move forward.
By the way… is there a link to the Wikipedia here on the new forum (she says, delicately avoiding calling it by any name)? I used to hop there from the link on the Ning, but I’m not seeing it here. I had to google it yesterday (it does come up super easy there, incidentally!)
points to the ARCHIVES tab
ah ha! If it had been a snake… ow. Thanks!
It may be dead, but I still get membership requests to approve over there.