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Watch City Festival This Weekend

From their website:

“On May 12th & 13th, 2012, the Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation presents the third annual Watch City Festival! This is a city-wide event that celebrates the imagination, history and ingenuity behind Steampunk. For one weekend the city of Waltham is transformed into an alternate reality “trapped in time” where the lines between science fiction and the industrial revolution are blurred to bring guests into an immersible experience like no other!

The main events will take place on Saturday and Sunday at locations in central Waltham, MA. Citizens of Watch City are also invited to join us for special preview events the evening of Friday, May 11th.

Special guest A.E. Cleanslate, Maceholder of New Babbage (the steampunk city of Second Life) will be delivering his lecture on ‘What Today’s Innovators Can Learn From The Victorian Age’.”

Actually that last bit is not entirely true. My typist will be in attendance, however. Probably with a tophat. I’ll wear my New Babbage button so I can be recognized.


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  1. Mr Tenk Mr Tenk May 10, 2012

    We’ll get you a box to stand on so you can deliver your lecture. Look for the guy in the top hat standing on the box in the park!

  2. Aeolus Cleanslate Aeolus Cleanslate May 12, 2012

    Come on Breezy! Meet me there!

  3. Ceejay Writer Ceejay Writer May 14, 2012

    How was it? How was it? How was it? *bounces*  Did you take any photos?

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