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Vacancies at Loner Lane

[img_assist|nid=5225|title=|desc=|link=popup|align=middle|width=640|height=330]Rooms are now available at Loner Lane. A cozy little lane right beside the Port Babbage shopping district. Room prices start at L$150 per week for a prim allowance of 50 prims. All rooms come with a door, which is linked to your rent box so you gain instant access to your room. Adding additional tenants/partners is of course possible if you’d like to share your room with a friend. Contact me in-world for more information on that.

Shops are also now available at Loner Lane. We have 3 shops available at the moment, 2 of which are 2-story shops. Shop prices start at L$200 per week for a prim allowance of 50 prims. Each shop owner will receive notice perms in our visitor group to promote new products.

Click the ‘Real Estate’ sign next to #5 for a list of available shops and rooms, aswell as landmarks for you to view them. Please remember to read the Residential/Commercial (depending on which you are renting) rental information notecard, given to you by the rental box, before renting.


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One Comment

  1. Jimbo Bridger Jimbo Bridger July 31, 2012

    Currently we have 3 shops (commercial) available and 1 market stall (commercial). The market stall is available for L$80 per week with 20 prims and the shops range from 50 prims to 100 prims. 100+ prims can be arranged.

    We are currently out of residential spaces but I shall be making another available shortly.

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