Cheerfully humming she sent the little clockwork away on its tour into babbage. The newspaper had answered the annoying question about where testsubject nr:3 had stumbled away to, after its rather premature amblutory test.
Jeez, the installemets had not even been finished yet and there it was, all running along the streets. Of course.. Babbage was better for testing than the airstation.. testsubject nr 2 had proven that with its rather spectacular fall over the edge.
The groaning screach of the vocal experiment on her desk pulled her out of thoughts of misshaps in the tests. And focused them on the progress she had been doing for the good of mankind. Soon… people would not have to rely on chaotic nature for the brains evolution.. soon.. very soon, it would be a subject of pure and organised science. Ah! the joy! if she had not had these bright ideas comming to her all of a sudden mankind would forever be bound by the fickle whims of natural evolution.
As she turned and smiled to testsubject nr:4, him smiling back hesitantly, she was begrudging the lack of interest of living subjects to participate in this leap of science.. people should be lining up to get their brain enhanced.. but her automata had had very little success in getting volonteers for the project. and of course she was much to busy to try and convince people herself.
With a sigh, she thought it a shame that she had to go back to dead brains for the minor tests. The time for living subjects has come.. its a step backwards. Her mind wandered about new snappy advertisment to drum up some interest for the project, as her hands grabbed the trepanationsaw to go to work.
The vocalexperiment groaned again
Now all she could do was to await the return of Subject nr:3 to study what might have gone wrong….
Hmmmmm…. I wonder if Subject nr:3 might be what Mack or whoever it was encountered in this blog post here.
I always worry about making posts like this but this is my analysis of what’s written:
“… installemets had not even been finished yet …” -something is being installed into the brains?
“…nr:3 had stumbled away …” -it stumbled, so the nr’s are people who’ve been experimented on
“testsubject nr 2 had proven that with its rather spectacular fall over the edge. ” -one of the people *fell*, presumably to the ground and because of whatever instability causes number 3 -its successor- to stumble. (an explaination for the lack of blood around the gent with the syringe ?, who sounds like number 2, he fell, wasn’t killed there, wasn’t dragged)
“she sent the little clockwork away on its tour into babbage” and “her automata had had very little success in getting volonteers – I would guess *this* is the unholy mechanical thing described in that blog Nathan.
And something in the newspaper could tell who nr3 is-a person with something installed in their brain.
*goes to look for the newpaper again
hehe got to find the right bait to get volunteers, food is one way to convince many, specialy awlays hungry urchins