Gilhooly stood before the figure for a few moments then exclaimed, “This waxwork o’ Mister Tenk is rather lifelike…” A beneficial by-product of the ensuing drop in temperature was more stability for the actual waxworks, which had been softening with the increased warmth of the large gathering. There was innovative use of pie as a diversion, and all was saved. Mostly. At least until the fire-belching dragons invaded…
Um, Gil, It’s The Real Tenk!
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How does one really know the real Tenk?
Are you familiar with the writings of Xiang Yu?
((I am in love! I was waiting on someone to make that reference.^_~))
This one cooled the room with his speech and made everyone uncomfortable with his glare. I was convinced ;)
sorry i missed this .. Is that the real Baron behind him ?? grins
Will we ever really know? He did react to the consternation by backing away carefully, so I assumed it was ;)
The last outing for Avariel 2.0 who now resides in a storage room at the power station.
Oh! What is the latest Avariel going to be like? Looking forward to seeing!
Avariel 2.0 has not been the same since that dark aether business a few months back, since then Unit #6 and I have been hard at work making a new improved Avariel 3.0! Although its not as big a change as the transition between Avariel 1.0 and Avariel 2.0.