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There’s an awfull lot of coffee in Mondrago….Journal Entry 16th July

Journal Entry

July 16th, 188 *hears a muffled scream and a thumping noise*

“ohhhhhh dear, looks like another bar crawler has fallen foul of the basement stairs of the bar…”

Dear Journal

About a week ago a representative of Mondrago was exploring the bars and coffee houses of the City of New Babbage.  I ran into her just before she departed.  Nice woman.  Apparently she was on a tarde mission to export some of Mondragos “Excess Coffee Stock” and she would like to send me a “small sample” of the coffee that Mondrago produces.

Now.. ‘Small Sample’ usually means a brown paper bag sealed up…enough for maybe 4 or 5 cups of coffee to taste and then you order more.

Imagine my surprise when i entered my hotel lobby and seen two exhausted dock workers waiting for me to sign off on a FREE sample of coffee…

….20 SACKS of Coffee…on a stacking pallate.

“Small Sample”….



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  1. Erehwon Yoshikawa Erehwon Yoshikawa June 16, 2012

    That’s just a couple of days’ worth of coffee for me.

    • Mr. Arnold Mr. Arnold June 16, 2012

      I’m going to assume you go through two or three bags of coffee a day…but exactly how many cups of coffee is that you drink a day?

  2. Brother Lapis Brother Lapis June 16, 2012

    I can find a place for what you don’t want. 

  3. Kristos Sonnerstein Kristos Sonnerstein June 22, 2012

    ((Oh, this one had me laughing for sure!))

  4. Maddox Sinclaire Maddox Sinclaire June 23, 2012

    Perhaps she should have brought it to Mr Harvey, Vic. (winks) And besides, Mondrago’s native coffee is very bracing.

    • Mr. Arnold Mr. Arnold June 23, 2012

      I think Mr. Harvey bought her out of one of her stocks of something…and if that’s the SMALL sample…

      • Maddox Sinclaire Maddox Sinclaire June 23, 2012

        (nods) I see. You should be happy, Vic. It could have been worse. (chuckles)

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