While taking a stroll around the interwebs I came across this rather interesting item on Kickstarter. Seams like the sort of thing that may be of interest to Babbagey folk. ^_^
The World of Steam is a set of Twilight Zone-like episodes set in a Steampunk Universe.
The World of Steam is a new Webseries that sets out to explore the deep recesses of a Steampunk world. Drama, Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy are all explored against the backdrop of a futuristic Victorian Age.
That looks utterly delicious *devours*.
$40 pledge gets you the first season DVD. I’m in!
OMG Bear McCreary is doing the SOUNDTRACK, I’ve used his music countless times in Babbage videos becasue it has that industrial elegance that Philip Glass has. Awww man, im already up to my eyeballs in kickstarter stuff.
Although i must say i hope their digital effects are better than that airship at the start… it look a litte.. static.
Today The World of Steam Kickstarter reached its target, and with three days to go is still going! Yay!
Yay! Success and goodies!