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The Official Return of the Canal Street Snitch

Granted, it is a bit overdue…but at long last I am happy to announce the return of New Babbage’s favorite “rag”, The Canal Street Snitch!

Within the next month Penny Gaff Publishing hopes to have a fully functioning web-based, (yellow) newpaper for Babbagers and non-Babbagers alike – to read, enjoy, interact with, and contribute to. (And we look forward to any input you may have to offer!)

In recognition…nay, in CELEBRATION, of the coming re-release, we at Penny Gaff would like to offer you reissuance of past editions, in perfectly remastered copies…

Please enjoy them responsibly…


~The Reporter

Penny Gaff Publishing, LLC

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  1. Nathan Adored Nathan Adored January 28, 2013

    Ooooooo!  Dueling fishwraps!  What fun to see!  :D

    Break out the popcorn!  LOL!


  2. Thomas Morlock Thomas Morlock January 28, 2013

    Is it too much to hope for home delivery?

    *rubs hands together*

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