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The Cocoajava Caretakers

The three caretakers of the CocoaJava Cafe.

Blackberry Harvey, current owner

DreddPirateBob (Stinkpot) Streeter, original building Creator

Ceejay Writer, original De-Bob-Primmer and Barista, prior to Blackberry.


Keep Brewing! 

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  1. Blackberry Harvey Blackberry Harvey March 17, 2012

    The CocoaJava is her own person, we are only her arms and legs!  She tells us what she wants and we do it for her.

  2. Ceejay Writer Ceejay Writer March 18, 2012

    So very true, Blackberry.  I never really ‘built’ on the CocoaJava, but rather tweaked it incessantly the entire time I owned it.  The individual prims do have their own way of whining or snuffling for attention. 

    I was very honored to be able to pose with you and Bob!  Though… I had to bathe afterwards. Not YOUR fault.



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