A massive front of low pressure, driven by winds from the Arctic heads into New Babbage a day earlier than forecast….
The Blizzard Hits Babbage
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A massive front of low pressure, driven by winds from the Arctic heads into New Babbage a day earlier than forecast….
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Hooray! I was caught outdoors when the storm hit and had to rush inside where I watched from the window as the wind howled and the snow piled up. I’m glad that I had already brought all the plants in. Its been an exciting morning!
hhhmmmpph! i was sleepin in my camp when the snow arrived…. luckly i had droped the front down, so it didn’t come in, but took me ages ter push it open again in the morning!
I haz enough coal for three days… I hopes I don’t get all colded out!
**As Tatsuya**
That darned storm… was out…umm…walking about when it hit, the winds nearly blew me away, they did. Luckily for me, I found shelter in some shop, and had to struggle to open the door after the storm blew past. Grrr…hopefully I don’t get caught in no drift again this year.