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The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff

I’ve just been catching up with the rather amusing Bleak Old Shop of Stuff, which is currently airing on BBC2.  The series is appearing on iPlayer, but I notice the pilot is also floating around. *cough* It’s a highly silly Dickensy spoof, but contains much that might appeal to a Babbager in humorous mood.



It really is very silly…but what can I say, it amuses me XD



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    • Elilka Sieyes Elilka Sieyes February 28, 2012

      Clearly designed by someone with a bit of Babbage in their heart.

  1. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse February 28, 2012

    Oooooh! *Goes off to find non-UK means of watching*

  2. Stargirl Macbain Stargirl Macbain February 28, 2012

    I…are you SURE they’re not filming that in New Babbage? That first photograph….

    • Mr Tenk Mr Tenk February 28, 2012

      massive morris and expandable tophats?

      can this show possibly get any better?

  3. Junie Ginsburg Junie Ginsburg February 28, 2012

    I like the “END-IT-ALL DOCK” sign in the second from last picture.

    This post almost makes me want to start wearing skirts again.

  4. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse February 28, 2012

    Should we get a Mayorial Locatortron? :-)

  5. Mr Tenk Mr Tenk February 28, 2012

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Christmas episode last night on youTube, and the silliness, and Elleon-esque dilemmas. Going to have to watch it again just for the one-liners. Lots of build/story inspiration. Can we make it mandatory viewing?

    • Emmanuelle Huntress Emmanuelle Huntress February 28, 2012

      “Can I help you, rough strange-smelling boy?”

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