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The Apothecary Salon reads “Cristabel”

The Apothecary Salon hosted a voice reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem “Cristabel” on Sunday, June 26th.

The entrancing Dubhna Rhiadra read the lion’s share of this lengthy Gothic verse narrative with Mickey Westminster and Belle reading the Intro, and Mr. Jonathan Spires reading the Conclusion.

By coincidence, Belle came dressed as Cristabel and Miss Dubhna came dressed as the tricksy, supernatural Geraldine! Here she is:

Dubhna Rhiadra as Geraldine

The reading was well attended, and we hear it may be inspiring some creative writing! The Apothecary is located in the backroom of Mr. Spire’s Iron Seahorse Inn, Wheatstone Waterways. It is open to the public.

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