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Thank you, my friends, and good night!

This will come as no surprise to many, but I think I shall put it here in writing so no one can say I didn’t issue a warning! 

I (being the typist) am headed off on my next great adventure! The residency for my graduate program start’s Wednesday, but I’m flying to Pennsylvania a few days early to visit my family in …wait for it…Mechanicsburg! Hehe!

I expect I’m about to become harder to find than hen’s teeth, and I don’t expect that when the two week residency is up I’ll become that much more present on the grid. Realistically, it may be December before I’m on the grid for any longer than it takes to feed the tier meter and clear offlines (and yes, Tenk, you reserve the right to ban me if it seems like I’m on too much!).  

So, for the time being, please contact Jed or Elleon if you have a Reader issue (we are playing this by ear, I have given Jed & Elle permission to replace me if I become entirely too scarce). 

Also, please be aware that the following people are unlikely to be around and adjust your RP expectations accordingly: 

Me (Stargirl “The nice one” Macbain)

Maggie “where did she go anyway?” Lynwood

Njal “Everyone’s Favorite Barmaid (*thumbs nose at Cadmus*)” Edwyn

Phaedra “Rymes-with-Witch” Underby

Emily “The Brave” Eclipse (Martian Emerald)

I’m secretly hoping that I’ll still have enough free time to at least engage in a little rp via the Reader, but I’m not counting on it. 

That’s it! Time for a new adventure!



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  1. Mr Tenk Mr Tenk July 27, 2012

    *dusts off the university student ban button*

  2. Cadmus Lupindo Cadmus Lupindo July 27, 2012

    But Star … Kitten, I have been nice to these people for you!


    * Shakes fist at Njal.


  3. Mr. Arnold Mr. Arnold July 27, 2012

    You and your brood shall all be missed. 

  4. Heliotrope Lionheart Heliotrope Lionheart July 27, 2012


    ((Love you and miss you already!  Soapy smooches))

  5. Pilipo Underwood Pilipo Underwood July 27, 2012

    You thanking us for all the fish?

  6. Grendel Footman Grendel Footman July 27, 2012

     good luck with your graduate studies and we’ll see you when you get back



    also….never knew you were maggie, I knew about the others, but not maggie!

  7. Tepic Harlequin Tepic Harlequin July 27, 2012

    So a party in December then? Have fun with the studies and good luck! Always amazed at the number of people people are, and how many successful, interesting characters they can manage, kudos to you, and i look forward to your return :-)

  8. Odnar Halberstadt Odnar Halberstadt July 27, 2012

    *Odnar stands there crestfallen with a bouquet in his hand.

    “Miss Maggie, please don’t go …”

    • Mr Tenk Mr Tenk July 27, 2012

      knows where Maggie went and thinks Odnar would be even more crestfallen if he knew

  9. Bookworm Hienrichs Bookworm Hienrichs July 27, 2012

    New Babbage will be dimished by your absence. Good luck with your studies!

  10. Junie Ginsburg Junie Ginsburg July 27, 2012

    The Loyal Company of Gangplank Owners won’t be the same without you.  Emerson and I will try to keep the pub standing, but will miss your visits.

    (When you get back, Njal and I will have to take that swim in the fountain…)

    *mischievous grin*

  11. Elilka Sieyes Elilka Sieyes July 27, 2012

    All the very best for your adventures in Knowledge! :DD

  12. Brother Lapis Brother Lapis July 27, 2012

    *makes notes in his little black book*

  13. Jedburgh30 Dagger Jedburgh30 Dagger July 27, 2012

    Like I can remove you. I’m a mod, not an admin, or I’d have nuked Boh already…

    You know how I feel hon, and you know where I’m at.

  14. Sky Melnik Sky Melnik July 27, 2012

    Sending good thoughts and encouragement your way as you start on your new adventure. :-)

  15. Caesar Osterham Caesar Osterham July 27, 2012

    To steal a line from one of my favorite songs:

    Though you may disappear,

    You’re not forgotten here.

    Tell us of your adventures when you return.  We’ll leave the light on for you.

  16. Kristos Sonnerstein Kristos Sonnerstein July 27, 2012

    ::OOC Big hug!:: Good luck, Star! And don’t forget to enjoy it all too! I for one will be happily awaiting your return in the winter. And you’ll be coming back when Babbage is in snow again, no doubt! Something for you to look forward to for sure, eh? Wishing you much luck, much love and much adventure!

  17. Breezy Carver Breezy Carver July 28, 2012

    All the Best Always :) … sends lots of hugs and good thoughts !!

  18. Maddox Sinclaire Maddox Sinclaire July 28, 2012

    Luck, hon! ^^ Have a great time while you’re off grid and let the waters of knowledge wash upon you. ^_~

  19. Jimmy Branagh Jimmy Branagh July 28, 2012

    Best best luck on your studies, Miss Star!

  20. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse July 28, 2012

    Good luck with the studies. Enjoy the adventure!

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