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Tavern Tuesday

Fair warning to those living and those dead


I always liked that line from Terry Goodkind’s Wizard’s First Rule.  (So not all of what I read is Tolstoy.  So shoot me already.)  It does sound like a good way to get someone’s attention.

Anyway, I have posted locations for Tavern Tuesday for November 3rd and 10th on the not-Ning.  (I tried to post a location for the 17th, too.  But I don’t think that it took.)

Please note that I will NOT be posting a location for November 24th.  (I am a RL Southerner and Thanksgiving week is a huge production down here.)  If someone else wants to post a location for that week or even hold an impromptu gathering, feel free.  Time permitting, I’ll even show up and take a couple of pictures.

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