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Posts tagged as “Lisa Fargazer”

A Little Resolution never hurt (Epilogue)

Beryl looked out over the frozen lake, the party for the end of the year about to begin.  She was looking forward to the celebration…

A Little Murder never hurts

Cyan was tucked beneath the sheets with an IV in his arm, but unaware of his surroundings.  Dr. Wright had checked his fluids and ensured…

A Little Revelation never hurts

   The fireworks after the race were keeping everyone distracted, and those with especially sensitive ears would not be able to overhear them over it.  Not…

Friend to Friend, Feline to Feline

“Hello, Strifeclaw,” Lisa said as her friend entered the lobby of the hospital.  The young woman seemed to have recovered enough for desk duty. Her…

A Little Renovation never hurts

Previously Next The Blackberry Memorial had undergone several changes in her absence. The money donated by Candance’s family was being put to good use she…