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Posts tagged as “Beryl Strifeclaw”

A Little March Into Madness never hurts

I’m not insane. “Why did I go to the Bucket? I should have stayed in hiding. Nothing was bothering me where I was…” What’s that?!…

A Little Communication never hurts

A madman being subdued was usually met with appreciation or congratulations.  Beryl expected none and went about life as usual. Cyan had failed to see…

A Little Wine never hurts

Previously    Abney Parkway was busy with trick or treaters visiting the Wax Museum, which Beryl gave a wide berth as she passed.  The decorations were…

A Little Escape never hurts

Previously Next Helping Bookworm and the others had been relatively simple, and Beryl had moved beyond worrying about it. What happened at the asylum stayed…

A Little Renovation never hurts

Previously Next The Blackberry Memorial had undergone several changes in her absence. The money donated by Candance’s family was being put to good use she…

A Little Nostalgia never hurts

   A thick fog obscured the city of New Babbage from several nautical miles beyond the Vernian reefs.  The moment they passed into the thick haze…

Good times at The Gangplank

A lively night at the Gangplank tonight over a bottle of Plank Punch (no matter what Jed says). We even had some visitors that wandered…