For those who remember Gus’ weekly story night at the Black Goat of Arkham with fondness the fireplace is being rekindled, and this time much much closer to home.
If you dare venture into the neighbourhood in the west end of Babbage known as the Gut, please feel welcome to join others at the Bucket of Blood Public House for the telling of spine-chilling short stories. All are welcome: adults, children, fae and furry alike.
I am going to launch on Monday May 30, and will initially be bi-weekly, unless there is some berserk demand for short stories. All stories will be typed out, no voice, like the original Black Goat sessions.
6pm SLT – 9-ish SLT
Questions and comments? Post here.
Oh, I look forward to this event.
*reserves two seats* The Melniks will certainly attend!
I tried to create an event for it… but much as I like to entertain the fancy that I am a reasonably intelligent fellow, I was completely unable to manipulate the eccentricities of that program.
I would love to attend, sir, if you can refrain from trying to kill me for a few hours.
Of course. These things tend to be mostly OOC at any rate. Mostly.
Wonderful Wonderful.
Yay! Oy wos ‘opin’ this would get started again!
sounds good, provided nothing new explodes, I’ll try and make it
I love a good story and shall be there with bells on, so to speak.