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Saviours of the Legacy (Museum Rumblings pt 2)

Coughing at the layers of dust (NEVER hire Urchins to dust), I carefully lowered the last of the paintings to the floor of the Oddments Shop. The walls are now bare, the floors cleared, ready for the new owners.

It was with great relief, nearly a week ago, when I’d recieved the heavy envelope from Miss Hermit and Miss Watanabe, enquiring about the terms of the sale of the Mechanix Arms. Though I may sound a bit vain, I had felt for so long that it was a place of launching off for so many of the citizens who ended up more permanently in New Babbage. The aging walpaper and drafty rooms were a place they could call home while they explored the sooty city.  Many a time I’ve hidden in the Oddments Shop, watching the zombies go by, folding the fabrics that had come in from all corners of the globe.  Now it was to be saved, and I suspect  the Mistresses will be wonderful new proprieters, so excited about the prospect of redecorating and reinvigorating the old place. I wondered how long it would be before they discovered just how paper thin the steam pipes had become…

Patting the pocket that held the final check for the Mechanix, I headed North to meet the Inspector at the Palaeozoic Musuem. His message had said something about tectonic fractures..

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  1. Breezy Carver Breezy Carver February 18, 2012

    aww YaY !!!

    wonderful news !!!  Cheers Cheers !!

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