(My typist wishes to tell you all that even though the pictures are a bit dark… [Hey! I forgot to turn up the lights, dang it!] She would like to show you where they are located. http://s1184.photobucket.com/albums/z331/Maddox_Sinclaire/Regreening%20Dance/ )
To properly start this is to tell you that I am beginning to enjoy parties here in Babbage. I danced with Mr. Harvey and I enjoyed what part of the party I made it to. I was a bit late. But when Mr Harvey and I returned to the hospital, we got a patient. Mr Chris K was sitting in our waiting room with blunt trauma to the head. We cared for him and got him to bed, even with his worried friend trying to help, but not truly helping.
I laid him in the room across the hall from mine. And Arnold is sleeping at the hospital tonight to tend to him if he wakes. When I get up to get drinks of water during the night, I’ll check on him as well. And hopefully, in the morning, Mr Sol will let the man rest and not drill him so hard. He’s been through an ordeal.
But in any case, he’s resting now. I should sleep, so I can be rested in the morning…
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