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Private Journal 01.19.18xx

* Private journal entry but feel free to comment *

Dear are you doing !!

So many events occur within Babbage it is not possible to recount them all.  By the time I have a chance to sit at my table and write in you so much has gone by.  So this is my humble attempt to remember the high points…

I finished my second tabletop engine just the other day.  I based it on the steam tractor #122 that I had heard about from another source, I cannot remember just which one right now.  Of course it is not an exact reproduction of the tractor as I must keep the prim count down a bit but I think it looks quite cute running on its treads with all the gears spinning.

I have been in the graveyard more often of late.  I was remiss in playing my shamisen there and Evie flew by the flat to remind me of it.  Since the area has been enlarged I have had more spirits stopping by to listen to me.  Sometimes as many as a half dozen will float about me while I play.  I wonder what the senior monk would say to that!

While in the graveyard Sofie and I posed for Ms. Melick-Netizen’s calender project.  I do so hope that the picture came out to her liking.  Sofie and I dithered quite a bit on the proper angle so that she would show up in the picture.  We were both quite happy with the end result.

The Gangplank has been having an open house event from time to time and quite a few of the citizen’s and visitors to Babbage are showing up so I will pronounce it a success.  This last time had a Miss Puddlegum stop by.  Quite the proper English lady I think.  I was worried when she started to nod off and by the fact that Professor Lionheart was able to get her to keep a handkerchief of his on her person.  I offered my bed to her as a overnight stay.  I figured that I would sleep on the day bed as would be only correct for a hostess.  When we got to my flat I was able to get the handkerchief from her.  I then promptly burned the Professor’s token in the holy fire of the shrine.  Such an odd color of flame; I shall not describe the smell!  What made him think to plant a marker on her I shall not wonder but I had just renewed the protective wards and I wasn’t going to waste them so quickly.  Nice try Professor; find someone else.  Miss Puddlegum has had quite enough adventures in dreamland and is not ready for another.

Then to my surprise, I had a visit from Belldandy!!  She is another Miko from my temple.  She had stopped over to try her skills in the graveyard.  So we went over and Evie was quite happy to be the subject of the evening.  Bell-chan was able to contact her but she thinks Evie should think as an adult which is quite the mistake.  Once I instructed her on how to touch Evie, Bell-chan was able to have a short session with her.  A small success for all involved I should think.  She also attempted to bring me home using her usual arguments.  However, Father’s instructions must be followed so she returned to the Temple without me.  We were, and still are, close friends and devoted Mikos.  We both also know how the senior monk likes his sake served!!!

Until later dear Journal…


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