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Preparing for an industrial return

So I’ve been spending most of this year rebuilding Escapades island, building up skills in meh and scripting and somewhat giving Linden Lab a confidence boost. I was kinda building up to a hopeful release of Experience tools, but that ain’t happend, so I won’t be incorporating any of those in New Babbage this year.

Previous years I’ve gotten into the habit of doing a big RP story. I’m sorry to say that this year I will be taking a break from huge mega stories. I have one story planned but for the most part I plan to spend my autumn rebuilding my buildings.

I came to Babbage because of my love of Victorian working class and with my new Mesh skill’s I plan to take another look a the old theatre, absinthe cafe and Cobblestone house, to see what I can do now that I couldn’t do before.

I’m really looking forward to seeing what I can do. I even have ideas to connect the theatre to my Island, but I also want to look more into gritty working class and bring back some of the unpleasant realities of urchins in New Babbage.

I also need to catch up on what’s been going on in this town :-)

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  1. Avariel Falcon Avariel Falcon October 16, 2012

    So… Starving diseased urchins eating mud and enjoying it while freezing to death in the snow?

    …then being eaten by Morlocks before what is left of them becomes reanimated by a mad scientist into a horrible urchin monster that goes unbound and has to be destroyed by an angry mob…

    …then three days later the members of the angry mob find they are cursed and over the next week shrink to become urchins and repeat the cycle…

  2. Loki Eliot Loki Eliot October 16, 2012

    That’s all been done before :-p

    I wonna explore the dreams and nightmares of urchins who’ve known nothing but work in coal mines, cotton factories creating the stuff that Babbage is built on.

  3. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse October 16, 2012

    I’ve always had great skills in meh. Never had to build *those* up :-)

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