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Postcards from Babbage

Jed shared this link with me of some pictures by a recent visitor to Babbage. They’re not really postcards but the lighting reminds me of the old hand tined ones.

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  1. Glaubrius Valeska Glaubrius Valeska June 3, 2012

    This is a magnificent photo. Would that my stuttering, shuffling galvanic device would pull down the aether as well!

  2. Orpheus Angkarn Orpheus Angkarn June 3, 2012

    Amazing photos! I almost couldn’t tell they were of our fair city, thinking they were ACTUAL photographs of RL landscapery.

  3. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse June 4, 2012

    Makes me think I need to upgrade the prim sections of my airship for a sculpt envelope.

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