[14:14] Vernden
Jervil: I actually read halfway into the sequel so I’m running my thoughts
[14:15] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I need to get
the second book; Vernden AS USUAL is racing ahead of me.
[14:15] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay) steals his copy.
[14:15] Vernden Jervil: hey!
[14:15] Junie
Ginsburg: Vernden puts us all to shame
[14:15] Junie
Ginsburg: He actually reads.
[14:15] Junie Ginsburg snickers
[14:15] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Ready to begin?
[14:16] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Yeah, he’s a weirdo. I mean YES! all ready!
[14:16] Vernden Jervil: I think so
[14:16] Junie Ginsburg whispers: Yep
[14:16] Vernden Jervil pouts
[14:16] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay) gives book back,
[14:16] Sera (serafina.puchkina): So what did you think of
the book?
[14:17] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I was VERY
entertained, right from the start. There are no dull moments!
[14:17] Vernden Jervil: Nods , the chapter titles amused me
right from the start
[14:18] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Oh, absolutely.
the authors went out of their way to be clever and witty at any possible turn,
and I like that.
[14:18] Junie Ginsburg: Yes, the chapter titles set the tone
really well.
[14:18] Vernden
Jervil: I wasn’t sure about Brooks at first, but was glad he turned out to be
more than a foil by the end of the novel
[14:19] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): There’s a lot to Books that’s only hinted at in this book
[14:19] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): *whispers* Books
not Brooks. You are thinking of Mel. *ducks*
[14:19] Vernden Jervil whispers: the sequel actually starts
to explain a lot more of him
[14:20] Sera (serafina.puchkina): oh good
[14:20] Vernden Jervil: Yes he does prove to be rather
talented by the end of everything
[14:20] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Yep, he’s an
onion and we’ve only peeled a few of the layers. I really do need to get into
the second book.
[14:20] Sera (serafina.puchkina): ditto
[14:20] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): His aversion to guns being the top mystery with
[14:20] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): But in the end,
that provided one of the funniest scenes, for my mental imagery.
[14:21] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): Remind me
[14:21] Vernden Jervil: especially combined with his almost
frightening talent for actually using guns
[14:21] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Eliza shooting
for him, while distracting others from what she’s doing
[14:20] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): But in the end,
that provided one of the funniest scenes, for my mental imagery.
[14:21] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Remind me
[14:21] Vernden Jervil: especially combined with his almost
frightening talent for actually using guns
[14:21] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Eliza shooting
for him, while distracting others from what shes doing
[14:22] Vernden
Jervil: that was a lot of fun “nice shot dear”
[14:23] Sera (serafina.puchkina): So is he really inept or
is it something from his past? Can he really shoot but prefers not to?
[14:23] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): It almost
bordered on sitcom-humor, but teetered on the edge of that in full control.
[14:23] Junie
Ginsburg: That’s something I noticed…. very tongue in cheek.
[14:23] Sera (serafina.puchkina): That was a great bit
[14:23] Vernden
Jervil: He shoots quite well, actually exceptional, he just doesn’t like to
[14:23] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I don’t believe
he’s inept at anything really. But doesn’t or won’t be very forthcoming.
[14:24] Sera (serafina.puchkina): He scared himself and
Eliza at how easily he channeled his father
[14:25] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Yes. and that’s
very telling.
[14:26] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Eliza had surprises too. The first time we step into
her apartments. Did anyone expect them to be so plush?
[14:26] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Not me!
[14:26] Vernden Jervil: That was impressive, and Alice was a
bit of a suprise
[14:26] Junie Ginsburg: That was a big surprise.
[14:26] Junie Ginsburg: Also, her command of Latin.
[14:26] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Yes! Alice was a
[14:27] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I have a
weakness for quirky servants, I admit.
[14:27] Vernden
Jervil: Robin incoming
[14:27] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): I liked how the mechanical bits were threaded through the
book. Way more than the airship and cogs stuck in here and there
[14:28] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Welcome Robin
[14:28] Robin Sprocket: Rezzedy rez
[14:28] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Ahoy Robin!
Ceejay is stuck in some sort of unrezzable purgatory right now so I’m
[14:28] Vernden
Jervil: I do agree, often steampunk fiction has forced mechanical bits; almost
like gluing gears on it :)
[14:28] Robin Sprocket: Hee
[14:29] Junie
Ginsburg: Hey, Robin!
[14:29] Robin Sprocket: :)
[14:29] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Yep – some books
insist that EVERY object in them be steampowered, brass and dripping with cogs.
It’s nice when items happen naturally and in the right places.
[14:30] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I recently
finished a book that had steam powered everything and a very brilliant girl who
could build anything AND inject magic into the items too (don’t ask). Yet she
was a complete wimp at dealing with natural things. Really was skewed badly.
Balance in a book is necessary – and we had that, I think.
[14:31] Robin
Sprocket: The thing that seemed unlikely to me is that the “secret
society” was able to maintain that level of secrecy.
[14:31] Robin Sprocket: I suppose it’s a necessary plot
[14:32] Sera (serafina.puchkina): that’s interesting, Robin.
I hadn’t thought about that
[14:32] Vernden Jervil: Well they didn’t do all that great a
job of being secret, couldn’t hold a party without dragging along two spies and
two reporters
[14:32] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): *nod* Still,
you’d think the locals would have noticed construction or building supplies
being a bit much, as it was constructed. Along with needed supplies for the
[14:32] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): ‘bots being built.
[14:32] Robin Sprocket: yeah, seems the cat mighta been out
of the bag already!
[14:33] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I do chuckle at
Huge Seekret Forts being built but no one notices the mass of supplies needed
to do it.
[14:33] Vernden Jervil: It’s like the babbage docks, big
trucks come through and we all just assume Vic is having one of those days :)
[14:34] Sera (serafina.puchkina): *chuckles*
[14:34] Junie
Ginsburg: Hah!
[14:34] Robin Sprocket: The House of Usher seemed a little
oblivious too.
[14:34] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): *cackles* So,
Mornington Construction Syndrome is now a part of storytelling.
[14:35] Robin Sprocket: Wasn’t sure what their part was in
the story.
[14:35] Vernden Jervil: I am not 100% sure what the house of
usher does, only that they seem to be bad
[14:35] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Cool name for an evil
[14:35] Robin Sprocket: That seemed undeveloped
[14:35] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Could be groundwork for future tales?
[14:35] Robin Sprocket: Or a tie into the past
[14:35] Robin
Sprocket: But that wasn’t made clear.
[14:36] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): yes! One can
hope. Otherwise, yes, they aren’t a clear concept
[14:36] Robin Sprocket: Interesting that the rider from the
House showed up during the cab chase
[14:36] Vernden Jervil: Cab chases get so complex when
multiple sides are involved [14:36] Robin Sprocket: So they had some inkling of
what was going on.
[14:37] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Must have.
[14:37] Robin Sprocket: But they didn’t really do much about
[14:37] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Made for some good action, but why?
[14:37] Robin Sprocket: They seemed to be most concerned
with tracking down the assasin.
[14:38] Vernden Jervil: It seems that Usher wants the
details of Brook’s difference engine, but not completely clear on that
[14:38] Robin Sprocket: Yes.
[14:38] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): He’s programmed
the hell out of that thing.
[14:38] Robin Sprocket: I would have liked to have seen them
having a bone to pick with the Phoenix society
[14:39] Robin Sprocket: Just to add another level of
[14:39] Sera (serafina.puchkina): So there are 3 evil
societies in the book? House of Usher, Phoenix, and the secret society at the
[14:39] Vernden
Jervil: Well see they were going to show up, but it sank into the swamp too
[14:39] Vernden Jervil: :)
[14:39] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): That could have
been exciting. I do really wonder what’s in the writer’s minds about these various
[14:39] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay) kicks Vernden.
[14:40] Vernden Jervil: My understanding is that Pheonix was
a smaller part of a larger organization
[14:40] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): And will there be a smackdown of the evil societies at
some future date?
[14:40] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): oh okay
[14:40] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I’m thinking in
this universe, you HAVE to have evil societies to always be dealing with.
[14:41] Robin
Sprocket: So many posibilities. Seemed like we don’t get to know more than the
main characters….
[14:41] Robin Sprocket: BUT I have a sneaking suspicion Dr.
sound knows more than he lets on!
[14:41] Vernden Jervil: and the bigger society basically cut
phoenix loose after the disaster at the end of the book
[14:41] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): So, did everyone
catch the character names pulled from other realities?
[14:41] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): No!
[14:41] Vernden
Jervil: I did, at least some of them
[14:41] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I know he does,
Robin! They only let us see bits.
[14:42] Junie Ginsburg: A few
[14:42] Vernden
Jervil: agent Bruce Campell was rather obvious
[14:42] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Agent Bruce Campbell, ladies man.
[14:42] Junie Ginsburg laughs
[14:42] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Hee, yes!
[14:42] Robin Sprocket: that’s him!
[14:42] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): And also Barnabus and Angelique Collins.
[14:42] Sera (serafina.puchkina): *slaps her forehead*
[14:42] Robin
Sprocket: Dark shadows?
[14:42] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Exactly, Robin.
[14:42] Robin Sprocket: I wondered about that
[14:42] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): IF there were more, I didn’t catch them.
[14:43] Junie Ginsburg: I also liked how the main
characters’ names were a play on “brains and brawn”
[14:43] Robin
Sprocket: LOL
[14:43] Sera (serafina.puchkina): *slaps her forehead again*
[14:43] Robin
Sprocket: True now that you mention it
[14:43] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): I totally missed it
[14:43] Robin Sprocket: Hee
[14:43] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I caught that,
actually! *is proud*
[14:44] Robin Sprocket: ****YAY****
[14:44] Sera (serafina.puchkina): *laughs*
[14:44] Junie Ginsburg grins
[14:44] Robin
Sprocket: Well, I hope to see some of these things addressed in future
[14:45] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): Was the story plotted logically? Did it make sense as how
it unfolded?
[14:45] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I hope we get a good number of future
installments, really.
[14:45] Robin
Sprocket: The leads they had were rather thin.
[14:46] Robin Sprocket: But a good construction.
[14:46] Vernden Jervil: It seemed to, the 2nd novel start to
explain more of the history of Brooks and Braun, and the big creepy guy is
still in the shadows plotting…something
[14:46] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): *ponders the
question* By the end, the story seemed logically laid out. As I was reading, I
would fall into each new situation head first and puzzle my way out of it. I
couldn’t predict where we were going.
[14:46] Robin Sprocket: :)
[14:46] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): the tone of the book changed as it progressed
too. Started rather light and sassy-silly, and was decidedly dark by the end
[14:47] Robin Sprocket: A rollicking tale. Good villains.
[14:47] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I rather enjoyed
any scene that took place in a drinking establishment.
[14:47] Robin Sprocket: With the nurse?
[14:47] Vernden Jervil: I did like that they smacked down a
couple villains, and left a few still out and about
[14:48] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): *remembers the nurse, nods*
[14:48] Robin Sprocket: Rather in the Bond formula!
[14:48] Vernden
Jervil: the nurse, and the night of just getting drunk
[14:48] Robin Sprocket: Dr. Evil might come back……
[14:48] Robin
Sprocket: LOL
[14:48] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): the total drunken
bit, with subsequent passing out and later hangovers, was all HEAPS of fun and
I am glad I’ve never been that far gone.
[14:49] Junie Ginsburg clears her throat
[14:49] Robin
Sprocket: I want Books’ hangover remedy
[14:49] Junie
Ginsburg: I loved that whole section
[14:49] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): I confess to enjoying the sexy parts. Just enough to
giggle but still pg-ish
[14:49] Vernden
Jervil: A lot of the novel reminded me of Bond, the organization we only get a
glimpse of gave me memories of SPECTER
[14:49] Robin
Sprocket: Building a little sexual tension
[14:50] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): More than just a
little. hee.
[14:50] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I was also reminded of The Avengers.
[14:50] Robin Sprocket: There’s still more to know about
Books and his father
[14:50] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I was also
reminded of The Avengers.
[14:50] Robin Sprocket: There’s still more to know about
Books and his father
[14:50] Robin Sprocket: A lot was alluded to.
[14:50] Vernden
Jervil: they explain a lot of Brooks and dad in #2
[14:51] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay) re-steals Vernden’s
[14:51] Robin Sprocket: And his military past might be a
story in itself!
[14:51] Vernden Jervil grumbles
[14:52] Sera (serafina.puchkina): A lot more to Books, than
what we saw, for sure
[14:52] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay) points around the
room “Get another copy, Vernden”
[14:52] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Adn I’m sure
more to Eliza too, though we were set up to focus on Books with our curiosity.
[14:52] Robin Sprocket: Yes, more is revealed of Braun’s
suffragette past as well.
[14:53] Sera (serafina.puchkina): I enjoyed her character!
Wish I were more like her
[14:53] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Sera’s new role
[14:53] Robin
Sprocket: I think it’s going to take about 3 more books to answer all these
[14:53] Sera (serafina.puchkina) grins
[14:54] Vernden
Jervil: I do wonder if Brooks will ever find out she was not sent to rescue him
[14:54] Robin Sprocket: Hee
[14:54] Robin Sprocket: A good question!
[14:54] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): I could see that coming out in the middle of an
argument, effectively grinding all arguing to a halt [14:55] Robin Sprocket:
That could do it!
[14:55] Junie
Ginsburg: That could cause quite a bit of a crisis for Books
[14:55] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Followed by instant regret.
[14:56] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): Any ideas on what Doctor Sound is doing in his secret
room, off the archives?
[14:57] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Inventing decaffeinated
[14:57] Robin
Sprocket: ahhhh! That’s the truly big question!
[14:57] Junie
Ginsburg gasps
[14:57] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): EVIL
[14:57] Sera (serafina.puchkina): *chuckles*
[14:57] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Seriously, I haven’t a clue!
[14:57] Robin
Sprocket: Dr. Sound may be aware of the plotting against him.
[14:58] Robin Sprocket: Or maybe not?
[14:58] Vernden Jervil: not a clue, although they do revisit
the room in #2
[14:58] Robin
Sprocket: My guess is he does!
[14:58] Junie
Ginsburg: Did anyone else get an X-Files vibe about the Archives and the
“never solved” cases?
[14:58] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Either direction would take us into a tale in
itself, but I suspect he knows.
[14:59] Vernden
Jervil: I do see the similarity Junie
[14:59] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): hee. Having
never been into X-Files (right, shun me now), those cases reminded me more of
Homicide Life on the Streets.
[14:59] Robin Sprocket: D Would like to read what’s in that
[14:59] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Yes, Junie!
[15:00] Robin Sprocket: Shaka’s amulet seemed a funny thing
to leave unsecured to me.
[15:00] Robin Sprocket: I’d have it in a vault!
[15:00] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Good point
[15:00] Vernden Jervil: what does this button do?
[15:00] Vernden
Jervil: :)
[15:00] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Well, the archives sorta are one big safekeeping
place. Unless you happen to be a clay pot
[15:00] Robin Sprocket: What other dangerous trinkets are
laying about?
[15:00] Robin
Sprocket: LOL
[15:01] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): dun dun dun!
[15:01] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Ark of the
Covenant is in Aisle three, row four.
[15:01] Junie
Ginsburg: It’s a storage unit for every plot device ever needed.
[15:01] Junie Ginsburg: ;-)
[15:01] Robin Sprocket: ha ha!!!
[15:01] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): on the nose,
[15:01] Robin Sprocket: Part of the fun really!
[15:02] Robin Sprocket: Better than gramma’s attic!
[15:02] Junie Ginsburg: I could see it easily taking on a
“deux ex machina” role though if the authors aren’t careful.
[15:03] Vernden Jervil: they don’t really use it too much
though, at least not as yet
[15:03] Robin Sprocket: Sort of being a character in itself?
[15:03] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): they can use it
more, I think. They’ve filled England with a lot of interesting people and
locations, so I say mix it up.
[15:03] Junie Ginsburg: Well, as in, the solution to every
problem could be found there. Not that they necessarily *are*, but conceivably
could be.
[15:03] Vernden
Jervil: just what we need a hoarding storage unit ” no not for you!”
[15:04] Robin Sprocket: I found it interesting that Lord
What’shisname wanted to integrate the Ministry into intelligence
[15:04] Robin
Sprocket: Not an unworthy goal, but he seems to have ulterior motives.
[15:04] Vernden
Jervil: Sussex?
[15:04] Robin
Sprocket: Aye
[15:05] Sera (serafina.puchkina): And when will Agent
Campbell screw up? As he no doubt will.
[15:05] Robin Sprocket: Hee
[15:05] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): His downfall
will be a rich widow, I’m sure.
[15:05] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): or a mojito.
[15:05] Robin
Sprocket: And when will he receive his ass kicking by agent Braun?
[15:05] Junie Ginsburg: A mojito…
[15:05] Robin Sprocket: Hee he
[15:05] Junie Ginsburg laughs
[15:05] Vernden Jervil: yeah minor spoiler Sussex is the man
in the shadows attempt to disable the ministry without getting his hands dirty
[15:06] Sera (serafina.puchkina): okay
[15:06] Junie Ginsburg: (I’m afraid I’m going to have to
dash, everyone. Thanks so much for hosting this again, Sera!)
[15:06] Robin Sprocket: Yes, the mystery is his motives
[15:07] Vernden Jervil: bye Junie!
[15:07] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): (good to see you
[15:07] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): Thanks for coming!
[15:07] Junie Ginsburg smiles and waves
[15:07] Junie
Ginsburg: Bye, all! [15:07] Robin Sprocket: :)
[15:07] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): Anything we missed here?
[15:08] Robin
Sprocket: Probably!
[15:08] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Thinking,
thinking…… I’d like to meet their version of Q.
[15:08] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): That corset is a
work of art!
[15:08] Robin
Sprocket: The Clankertons!!!
[15:08] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): I would love that corset
[15:08] Vernden
Jervil: They do make allusions to a tech department of some sort, very Q like
[15:08] Robin
Sprocket: Books seems like he is their equal.
[15:08] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): The metal men. Sophia. The tech department.
[15:09] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Yes! I would
enjoy getting into the tech department more. I really do hope they keep this
series going a while, there’s so much that can be tapped into
[15:09] Vernden
Jervil: I did see while peeking around online that #3 in the series is
scheduled for this November release
[15:09] Robin Sprocket: A Q scene would be brill!
[15:10] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Oh, there’s also
the Sherlock Holmes homage, with the urchin children.
[15:10] Robin Sprocket: Just an aside, if you enjoy Books
and Braun, you might like Newberry and Hobbes
[15:10] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): Agreed. I liked that there’s lots of potential in this
series. They laid a good foundation that they can go almost anywhere in their
[15:10] Robin Sprocket: The ministry 7
[15:10] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Thanks Robin. I will check
that out
[15:10] Vernden Jervil: prefers Calvin and Hobbes but ok
[15:11] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): *notes robins
title recommendation*
[15:11] Robin Sprocket: The first one of those is Affinity
Bridge, i think
[15:11] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): Before you all have to go, the next book will be Peshawar
Lancers by S M Stirling
[15:12] Robin Sprocket: That sounds different!
[15:12] Sera (serafina.puchkina): that title came in 2nd in
the voting. I will post more on the ning
[15:12] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Well, I need to order the second book in the
Ministry series, so I can get that too!
[15:12] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Amazon loves me
[15:12] Robin
Sprocket: Just a clue, what is a Peshawar?
[15:13] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Bless you.
[15:13] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): no idea
[15:13] Robin Sprocket: LOL
[15:13] Robin Sprocket: Sounds like some Indian thing
[15:13] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): It does.
[15:13] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): May 25 would keep us on the same Saturday, but that’s a US
holiday weekend, so what about May 11? A Saturday?
[15:14] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): May 11 for me is
better, is it okay with others?
[15:15] Vernden Jervil: It is as good as any day (scheduling
so far out is always dicey for me)
[15:16] Vernden
Jervil: oh something I found for anyone interested: http://www.ministryofpeculiaroccurrences.com/
[15:16] Miss
Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Yay!
[15:16] Robin
Sprocket: Oh, neat Vern!
[15:17] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): That’s a very
fun site to prowl through
[15:17] Robin Sprocket: Fabboo!
[15:17] Sera
(serafina.puchkina): Thank you all for coming! So glad you were able to be
[15:18] Robin
Sprocket: Gld I didn’t miss it!
[15:18] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): Very pleasant
company, I enjoyed this! [15:18] Vernden Jervil: me too, I greatly enjoyed
reading this one
[15:18] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Yes, this is fun. Good
books, too.
[15:20] Vernden Jervil: Also Ceejay found a steam video with
the authors of this novel among others
[15:20] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay):
[15:21] Miss Chevious Littlething (ceejay): About 5ish
minutes long, that vid, so watch it when you have time.
[15:21] Sera (serafina.puchkina): Will watch the video for
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