I’m not leaving Babbage.
But my life and my interests have been going in a few different directions lately.
I’m going to be paring down my involvement to just Blackberry and Gilhooly. BB is me, and I can’t take Gil out of Babbage any more than I can take Babbage out of Gil. And the CocoaJava is staying put (thought it might undergo renovations).
All the rest of my characters are going into retirement. I’m sorry if we were involved in any unresolved plots, but this is the way it has to be. At least for now. Make up any back story you like.
Sir Edward Pearse I believe will take over my Foot Tappin’ Friday slots for now. I plan to do some Sunday shows, maybe once a month. So stay tuned!
We can always keep Helio to written in stuff. Kinda saddens me a little, but hey, if that’s how it is, that’s how it is.
*hug* ^^
BB! :(
Hopefully things settle down for you soon :)
Yeah, he can go into quiet retirement in Mondrago, or he might end up doing something really vile and serving out time in one of Erehwon’s bottles.
I vote for the bottle!
Imagine the poor Aladdin who uncovers that bottle!
((Seriously though, I’m glad you will still be around – even if it is only in a limited capacity))
I’m sure BB will still be haunting the Cocoa in spirit, behind the scenes, even if we see less of him out front.
Aww, I do understand BB. Good luck!
BB all the very best to you and yours .
you are very thoughtful and one of the best !!
don’t forget its Pumpkin Season in all worlds kk :)
Yes, Miss Breezy!
have a wonderful time, may everything be fine for you (soon again). i will have an eye at the cocoajava and clean the walkway for you while you are away, dear neighbour. and i hope to see you soon again around. academy is not the same without your purple bunny ears. greetings, your neighbour beo
I’m so glad you are staying in some capacity, and that the CocoaJava will not be demolished. There would be a sad empty space remaining for either.