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Note about user accounts

Just a quick moderator note…because we are making every effort to ensure that the users here are real folks, some of you may wonder why your account or the account of a friend has not been approved.  Please bear in mind the user name you choose should be that of your avatar, and is subject to confirmation.

We have a few that are blocked because they cannot be verified.  If you feel you have been incorrectly blocked, please email the staff and we will look into it.

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    • Grendel Footman Grendel Footman January 31, 2011

      some reason now, I just want to start a forum thread where all it is is me and Doc Dino arguing with each other



      then again that may be the schitzophrenia talking

      • Jedburgh30 Dagger Jedburgh30 Dagger January 31, 2011

        Someone already beat you to it.

        • Grendel Footman Grendel Footman February 1, 2011

          damn, always late to te party

  1. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse October 5, 2010

    And speaking of User accounts: Dear Babbagites

    Click on “My Page” on the right of the screen.

    Then click on the “Community” tab

    Then click on the “Received” link at the top.

    And clear out the friend requests you’ve probably had sitting there for the last two months :-)

    • Cadmus Lupindo Cadmus Lupindo October 5, 2010

      Your Grace, I did as you instructed, and to my shock, there was no friend request from you.

      *mumbles* ponce

    • Ceejay Writer Ceejay Writer October 5, 2010

      Oh my.  *accepts a few months worth of requests*  Sorry about that!

    • Cyan Icewolf Cyan Icewolf October 5, 2010

      I am hoping that will be fixed with the new profile rollout, unfortunately it seems the Archivist is taking that one on himself.

    • Gabriell Anatra Gabriell Anatra October 5, 2010

      Oops. I hadn’t checked in a while. Apologies to those I just added.

    • Yang Moreau Yang Moreau January 31, 2011

      ::sniffles:: I’ve got none. ::blinks, staring at Tenk and Underby as his only friends:: Should I be worried at seeing those two in there?

      • Stargirl Macbain Stargirl Macbain February 1, 2011

        Most of us forget about the “friends” feature, Yang.  Also, I always forget to check my received, since it’s not like the Reader posts us a notice!

        • Yang Moreau Yang Moreau February 1, 2011

          XD I know, I was just being silly. I do wish it did send a notice though. It’s kind of confusing how to get to it as well. I’ve never even been sure of any messages I sent when I was stuck without a connection anything more than my phone for nearly a month.

    • Doctor Obolensky Doctor Obolensky February 1, 2011

      Hrrmmm…thanks for the reminder.  Looks like I’ve been ignoring everyone since I arrived. :P

  2. Darlingmonster Ember Darlingmonster Ember October 11, 2010

    Ohmy, thank you for such a thoughtful posting. I never would have known to look.


    Miss Ember

  3. Jonathon Spires Jonathon Spires January 31, 2011

    Being real folk is highly overrated.

    • Jedburgh30 Dagger Jedburgh30 Dagger January 31, 2011

      Maybe so, but out of the 20 or so new user applications I had to go through, 8 were spammers, 4 verified out, and the rest are nebulous enough to wait on emails for.

  4. Skyler Gant Skyler Gant February 1, 2011

    Oops. I did not realize I had so many friend requests. Seems I never bothered to check my friends request list since, admittedly, I had no idea how to do that. My appologies to anyone that sent me a friends request…all of them have been approved.

    • Jimmy Branagh Jimmy Branagh February 1, 2011

      Where would they be?  ((Of course, Jim accepts the possibility that he simply doesn’t have any requests…))

      • Bookworm Hienrichs Bookworm Hienrichs February 1, 2011

        To quote Edward Pearse from above:


        And speaking of User accounts: Dear Babbagites

        Click on “My Page” on the right of the screen.

        Then click on the “Community” tab

        Then click on the “Received” link at the top.

        And clear out the friend requests you’ve probably had sitting there for the last two months :-)

        • Jimmy Branagh Jimmy Branagh February 3, 2011

          Err … ummm … yer roight … there were … some there … ummm … some back to 6 months … ummm …  sorry folks … anyone ‘oo got toired of waitin’ and cancelled please bonk me on th’ ‘ead again.

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