Incident Observation Report – AW in c/o EW, 8th December 188_
My sister Audrey barged back into town (probably to bolster her favour before Christmas) and in some effort to make amends finally proved useful as an intelligence gathering resource, managing to sneak in and capture an image of some kind of altercation in Wheatstone. My own analysis suggests one of the subjects may be Kasa, in defence against some form of mechanized equipment.
Forced to flee before the event’s conclusion, Audrey reported more action later at Babbage Cabbage but was unable to provide any useful images.
Not bad work on her part; I’m almost shocked. I shall at once redirect efforts to decipher all this, and send the usual reliable parties in to map the scene transparently. Audrey is still a potential liability, but I may have a use for her…
I am of course concerned about Kasa, though that is certainly one tough rabbit. Hoping for the best.
Mobilizing immediately upon archiving this record; EW.