News from out of town By The Archivist on July 17, 2011 How very sad. I do hope they were insured. Spread the love Published in Recovered Blog Post The Archivist Maintenance account for the Babbage Aethernet Reader (BAR) and archival records. More from Recovered Blog PostMore posts in Recovered Blog Post »Steampunk Storytime @7pmThe Conservatory Ballroom Presents a Formal Dance Monthly, 4th SaturdaysMusic and Role-play at the Tell-Tale Heart Pub: Monthly 2nd TuesdaysSpring Formal Dance at The Conservatory Ballroom 5pm SLTSteampunk Storytime @7pm
Aeolus Cleanslate July 17, 2011 “Nice town you’ve got here.” (Cracks knuckles) “It’d be a shame if something should … happen to it.”
Sky Melnik July 17, 2011 *grins widely* You’re speaking my tropes, Mr. Cleanslate. I wholeheartedly agree.
Glaubrius Valeska July 18, 2011 My poor eyes, I thought the article said the business was ‘destroyed by five firefighters’
Kimika Ying July 18, 2011 What a tragedy. I see that Bump is not immune to sudden, entirely accidental fires either.
*cough-cough* Bad luck can spread like…well, like fire…
“Nice town you’ve got here.” (Cracks knuckles) “It’d be a shame if something should … happen to it.”
*grins widely* You’re speaking my tropes, Mr. Cleanslate. I wholeheartedly agree.
Bump has a newspaper? Bumpers can read?
My poor eyes, I thought the article said the business was ‘destroyed by five firefighters’
What a tragedy. I see that Bump is not immune to sudden, entirely accidental fires either.