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new clock!

just in time to go to the show this weekend. thanks to kimika for providing a better resolution picture than I could possibly get on my equipment.

just on time for the weekend

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  1. Garnet Psaltery Garnet Psaltery April 23, 2013

    Wonderful!  It does rather give the impression that it could rapidly convert into a two-barrel defensive weapon.

  2. Kimika Ying Kimika Ying April 24, 2013

    Well done! That turned out beautifuly.  And I’m happy to have been able to help.

  3. Mr Tenk Mr Tenk April 24, 2013

    one more. now I swear I am taping closed the boxes of random parts and put them in the pack out box, along with the two other partially assembled clocks. Vic took the photo for this one.

    one more

    original 8 day watch spring movement, the key being held in the front is needed to wind it.

    cat clock close up

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