Greetings! After a long hiatus, I have returned to New Babbage. I purchased a small plot in the Port and have started work on a Boiler and Boat repair shop.
The new shop is located at:
The current building is an old wooden shack, and I will soon demolish it and begin construction of a new brick building. I think the easiest way will be to simply set the whole thing on fire. I suppose I should contact the Babbage Fire Brigade in order to obtain a burn permit.
I’m glad to be back in Babbage! My plans are to learn how to do this mesh thing and start building a few things again. I will soon announce an event for the burning of my wood building, and I would like to have a drawing for who will light the fuse! Once the land is cleared I will begin work on a new fully mesh brick building – don’t worry; it won’t look new!
[img_assist|nid=6976|title=Boiler and Boat Repair Shop|desc=Opening Soon!|link=popup|align=middle|width=640|height=531]
Congratulations and welcome back! I’m not sure there is a Fire Brigade, though there are plenty of people willing to help you set your building alight.
Why yes there is a Fire Brigade.
Yay! Welcome back Mr. Wiggy!
Welcome back, sir!