I noticed in Mr Pearse’s shop several Kilts including those for New Babbage.
As I am new here and as yet unfamiliar with local esprit de corps, I wish to know whether there are occasions which call for this as appropriate attire?
Thank you very much
so good of you to ask, sir. on the matter of tartans, Behold!
is there ever not a good time?
I admit I have seen you wear them often.
Very nice. I am impressed with your having fog and brass variants.
Oy wear ’em whenever Oy get a chance, an’ even me snail wore them th’ other dye faw th’ races.
In fact quite a few Babbage Frocks were launched two years ago during The RFL 2009 season ..by several of New Babbage Wonderful creative Designers from :toppers, kilts , gowns .. hats and scarfs :)
Perhaps ??? we could have a Babbage *best in use* tartan contest of sorts .. ?
Well to do that, are there fabrics of these tartans available from which to create apparel and accessories?
try the texture machines at city hall, or ask me for the box next time you see me inworld.
Ouch! Looks like being an “Engineer of New Babbage” isn’t enough. I’ll look for you Sir