Doing a bit of work on establishing timelines for New Babbage’s Register, and wanted to make sure that I was fairly close on the arrival dates of sims in New Babbage. As such, allow me to post what I currnetly have (and do not have), and ask for any assistance anyone might be willing to extend.
Babbage Square – January of 2007
Babbage Canals – May of 2007 (estimated)
Wheatstone Waterways – August of 2007
Academy of Industry (Original Version?) – June of 2008
Vernian Deep – July of 2009
Clockhaven – July of 2009
Port Babbage – ?
Babbage Palisaides – ?
New Babbage – ?
Vernian Sea – ?
I’m still a bit unclear about on the dynamics of Academy of Industry (Mayor Sprocket originally landed it in June of 2008, but I’m unsure if it had remained as part of NB, as I have some vague recollection of it being “gone” at one point). Again, any assistance with month/date arrival of the aformentioned sims would be appreciated!
The original Academy sim was a homestead, that became Clockspire Cove, my own little lair of villainy. It disappeared when they raised the rates and changed the rules for homesteads.
Thanks, Doc!
when I got here in May of 08, it was Port, Vernian Sea, Academy, Palisades, Square, Canals.
Wheatstone came in in 2008 (Fallish), and the original Academy went away because Shaun added in the Homestead sim (Clockspire Cove?) for Doc O’s island. When the Homestead Crisis hit, it went away. Then came #7 (or New Babbage sim), Clockhaven, Vernian Deep, and the Academy of Mornington er Industry.
I think that’s right….
there’s also set of old map captures on display in Mr. Cleanslate’s office, if you can find them behind the stacks of paper and empty bottles.
According to the snapshots Wheatstone Waterways arrived in August of 2008
Clockspire Cove arrived in September. I believe (but am not certain) that the original Academy sim was a Homestead and became Clockspire. The original Academy sim landed in June 2008
The New Babbage sim, for many months just referred to as No.7, arrived in March 2009
Palisade dates from March 2008 according to the group notice
Vernian Sea from November 2007
Port Babbage September 2007 (I have a message saying the parcel map was ready for reservations on 29/8 but nothing saying when it officially landed)
Babbage Canals is from May 2007
Among the amusing bits among the archive of all the group notices, is a comment to me from Shaunathan that once the “New Forum” was up and running we would no longer have a need for groups in New Babbage.
according to my own docs ..
Palisades March 2008
Wheatstone Waterways ((name suggested by Greg Merryman)) arrived august 15th 2008 :)
and and Now North Fell … October 23rd 2011