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Minnesota History Center gets its Steampunk on

What If? Alternate History Teen & Family Day
Minnesota History Center, St. Paul MN
Dates: April 21, 2012
Time: Noon to 4 p.m.
Fee: $11 adults, $9 seniors and college students, $6 children ages 6-17; free for children age 5 and under and MHS members.

Travel back in time and imagine a new future. Explore Minnesota through the eyes of science fiction and steampunk authors, artisans, and alternate historians. And by all means, don’t forget your goggles and top hat.

Activities will include: Interactive Steampunk Mystery with SteamCentury Minnesota, Music by Bad September, Ask a Writer with Minnesota science fiction authors Kelly Barnhill, Lyda Morehouse and Kelly McCullough, Fashion Art Activity with Leonardo’s Basement, fashion models styled by Blasphemenia’s Closet and Steampunk artisans selling fashion accessories to create a more fantastic you.

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  1. Osric Worbridge Osric Worbridge March 6, 2012

    I work night shift.  It would mean interupting my sleep, but I might go.

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